Books on survival skills
98.6 Degrees: The Art of
Keeping Your Ass Alive
A Handbook for Wilderness
A service-learning approach
to wilderness education. : An article from: JOPERD--The Journal of Physical Education,
Recreation & Dance
A teachers handbook for
outdoor survival: A unique approach
A week in the wilderness: A
do-it-yourself guide
Aboman's Guide to Survival
& Self-Reliance: Practical Skills for Interesting Times
Aboman's Guide to
Wilderness Schools and Primitive Events
Adrift On An Ice Pan
Advanced Fugitive :
Running, Hiding, Surviving And Thriving Forever
Adventure Education
Adventure education: A
Alaska on Foot: Wilderness
Techniques for the Far North (Hiking & Climbing)
An alternative to
certification programs
An examination of ethical
issues relating to emergency care and rescue situations
Analysis of lost person
behavior: An aid to search planning
ANARE Antarctic field
ANARE personal manual
Anasazi primitive camping
and survival skills
Angels in the Wilderness:
The True Story of One Woman?s Survival Against All Odds
Another Wilderness: Notes
from the New Outdoorswoman
Attack of the Killer
Backcountry First Aid and
Extended Care
Basic Bush Survival
Bridges to Accessibility: A
Primer for Including Persons With Disabilities in Adventure Curricula
Bush Basics: A Common Sense
Guide to Backwoods Adventure
Bushcraft, scouting &
woodlore notes
Bushcraft: A Serious Guide
to Survival and Camping
Camping and Survival
Camping in the 90s: Tips,
Techniques and Secrets
Camping's Forgotten Skills:
Backwood Tips from a Boundary Waters Guide
Castaway : The Survival
Cheating Death: Amazing
Survival Stories from Alaska
Cold Burial: A True Story
of Endurance and Disaster
Comments on cold-weather
clothing and survival
Complete Idiot's Guide to
Surviving Anything (The Complete Idiot's Guide)
Concise Book of Outdoor
First Aid (64P)
Concise book of survival
and rescue
Coping with cold: A
practical guide for wilderness ski travel
Curriculum guidelines for
Arctic survival outdoor education program, 1985: Kindergarten through grade six
Deep Survival: Who Lives,
Who Dies, and Why
Desperate Search (Survival)
Don't Get Lost
Effect of Outward Bound
teachers' practica on self-image and teaching behavior
Emergency preparedness
Enciclopedia del deportista
en la naturaleza (Naturaleza y ocio series)
Encyclopedia of Outdoor and
Wilderness Skills
Everybody's outdoor
survival guide (Green Berets series)
Excerpts from jungle
survival manual
Experiencing the Rocky
Mountains outdoors: A field guide to the Central Rocky Mountains
Extreme Survival Almanac:
Everything You Need to Know to Live Through a Shipwreck, Plane Crash, or Any Outdoor
Crisis Imaginable
Field manual
Finding Your Way
Finding Your Way Without
Map or Compass
First aid & emergencies
(Outdoor guides)
First aid procedures &
lifesaving techniques
Food (Survival scrapbook)
For survival only!: The
secret art of catching wild trout with your bare hands
Forty Days Lost
Found Alive
Frontier Skills: The
Tactics and Weapons that Won the American West
Frozen Terror
Fugitive! : How To Run,
Hide, And Survive
G.i. Joe (G.I. Joe)
Gale Encyclopedia of
Medicine : Wilderness medicine
General back country safety
Get thee up into the high
mountain: A survival manual
Gifts of the Wild: A
Woman's Book of Adventure
Harsh Weather Camping in
the 90s: Secrets, Suggestions, Tips & Techniques.
High-Adventure Outdoor
Pursuits: Organization and Leadership (Recreation Series)
Horseman survival in the
How to survive in the bush,
on the coast, in the mountains of New Zealand
How to Think Like a
Survivor : A Guide for Wilderness Emergencies
How Would You Survive in
the American West (How Would You Survive)
Hunted: A True Story of
Igloo: Building Eskimo
snowhouses (Off belay reprint series)
Improvise to Survive Guide
Inside Outward Bound
Keller's Outdoor Survival
Guide: How to Prevail When Lost, Stranded, or Injured in the Wilderness (Willow Creek
Kids Outdoors: Skills and
Knowledge for Outdoor Adventurers
Land, Search, and Rescue
Units (Dangerous Jobs)
Leave no trace! : a program
to teach skills for protecting the wilderness environment
Leave no trace! : an
outdoor ethic
Lighting Grandma's Fire
Little Bear's outdoor
adventure guide for the all-American boy
Little Robert and the owl
Living off the country
Living Off the Country: How
to Stay Alive in the Woods
Long on Adventure: The Best
of John Long
Lost in the Himalayas:
James Scott's 43-Day Ordeal
Lost in the Woods
Manual De Supervivencia/the
U.S. Armed Forces Survival Manual
Manual Del Aventurero/the
Adventurer's Handbook
Marine Survival Equipment
and Maintenance
Marshal South And The Ghost
Mountain Chronicles: An Experiment In Primitive Living (Adventures in the Natural and
Cultural History)
Meeting the unknown: Group
dynamics in the wilderness
MiG Pilot Survival: Russian
Aircrew Survival Equipment and Instruction
Miracle on the Mountain: A
True Tale of Faith and Survival
Mistaken Journey (Survival)
Modern Outdoor Survival:
Outdoor Gear and Savvy to Bring You Back Alive
MOS booklet, leadership
(Minnesota heritage series)
Mountainman Crafts &
Mountainman Crafts and
Skills: An Illustrated Guide to Clothing, Shelter, Equipment, and Wilderness Living
Mountains: Surviving On Mt.
Everest (X-Treme Places)
No Need to Die: Real
Techniques of Survival
North American Indian
Survival Skills (First Book)
Northern Survival
Obtaining subsistence in
nature: Deadfalls / snare / fishtrap / atlatl & more (Makin' meat)
One Man's Wilderness: An
Alaskan Odyssey
Or Perish in the Attempt:
Wilderness Medicine in the Lewis & Clark Expedition
Our Arctic year (Alaska
Outback!: A team adventure
Outdoor and Survival Skills
for Nature Photographers
Outdoor education:
D.I.A.N.D. Northeast District, Manitoba
Outdoor Emergency Care:
Comprehensive First Aid for Nonurban Settings
Outdoor Survival (Essential
Outdoor Survival Skills
Outdoor survival training
for Alaska's youth: Instructor manual (SG-ED)
Outdoor Survival Training
for Alaska's Youth: Student Manual With Instructors Manual
Outdoor wilderness survival
and its psychological and sociological effects upon students in changing human behavior
Outward bound and
equitational therapy: Is an integrated therapeutic model feasible?
Paradox and double binds in
adventure-based education
Participating in Nature:
Thomas J. Elpel's Field Guide to Primitive Living Skills
Planning a Wilderness Trip
in Canada and Alaska
Polar expeditions manual
Practical Outdoor Survival:
A Modern Approach
Primitive and frontier
skills in wilderness living
Primitive medical aid in
the wilderness (Survival in the wilderness series)
Primitive Wilderness Living
& Survival Skills: Naked into the Wilderness
Primitive Wilderness
Skills, Applied & Advanced (Naked Into the Wilderness)
Promoting the values of
service and compassion through rescue training in adventure based education
Purification of wilderness
waters: A practical guide
Rain Forests: Surviving in
the Amazon (X-Treme Places)
Return to the Summit of
Scouting: A Scouter's Midlife Journey Back to Philmont
Riding the Wild Side of
Denali: Alaska Adventures With Horses and Huskies
SAS Survival Handbook: How
to Survive in the Wild, in Any Climate, on Land or at Sea
Search and Rescue: The Team
and the Missions
Sexual violence survivors
on outdoor programs: A handbook for leaders of outdoor activities
Shelters, Shacks &
Shanties: And How to Build Them
Shelters, Shacks, and
Shanties : The Classic Guide to Building Wilderness Shelters (Dover Books on Architecture)
Short Term Survival
Shortcut to Peril
Shouting at the Sky :
Troubled Teens and the Promise of the Wild
Six ways in & twelve
ways out: The survival & evasion manual of the United States Rescue & Special
Operations Group
Sleep close to the fire
Snow snakes: How to avoid
Solo: On Her Own Adventure
Some grid search techniques
for locating lost individuals in wilderness areas
Sports Afield Outdoor
Stalking the Good Life: My
Love Affair With Nature.
Stay alive: A handbook on
Staying Alive in Alaska's
Staying alive in the Arctic
Staying Found: The Complete
Map & Compass Handbook
Stories of Survival: Land
& Sea
Stories Of Survival:
Mountaineering & Exploration
Summit adventure
instructor's manual: 2nd edition
Survival (Minnesota
heritage series)
Survival (Wilderness World)
Survival Handbook
Survival in the 90s: A
Guide for Outdoor Enthusiasts
Survival in the marsh
Survival in the Outdoors
Survival in the wilderness
Survival in the wilds
Survival kits (EB)
Survival manual
Survival Scrapbook One:
Survival Scrapbook Two:
Survival Skills (All
Survival vs. fatality
Survival! in the Mountains
Survival: A Manual That
Could Save Your Life
Survival: How to Prevail in
Hostile Environments
Survival: Live Off the Land
in the City and Country
"Survive in the Jungle
With the Special Forces "Green Berets" (Elite Forces Survival Guides)
Survive in the Mountains
With the U.S. Rangers and Army Mountain Division (Elite Forces Survival Guides)
Survive Safely Anywhere
Survive: Stories of
Castaways and Cannibals
Surviving Australia : A
Practical Guide to Staying Alive
Surviving Coastal and Open
Water: Greg Davenport's Books for the Wilderness (Greg Davenport's Books for the
Surviving Cold Weather:
Simply Survival (Greg Davenport's Books for the Wilderness)
Surviving the unexpected
Surviving the unexpected
wilderness emergency
Surviving the unexpected: A
curriculum guide for wilderness survival and survival from natural and man made disasters
Survivor's Science At The
Polar Regions (Survivor's Science)
Survivor's Science In The
Forest (Survivor's Science)
Survivor's Science in the
Rain Forest (Survivor's Science)
Survivor's Science on an
Island (Riley, Peter D. Survivor's Science.)
Survivors: True Tales of
Teaching in a cold
Teaching with survival
graphics in survival/disaster and outdoor comfort education
Testing wilderness
discovery: A wilderness experience program for youth-at-risk in the Federal Job Corps
The 10 bushcraft books
The Adventure book
The adventures of Robinson
Crusoe for young folk
The Art of survival
The Basic Essentials of
Rescue in the Backcountry
The Basic Essentials of
The Basic Essentials of
Trailside Shelters and Emergency Shelters (Basic Essentials Series)
The Best of Woodsmoke: A
Manual of Primitive Outdoor Skills
The Camper's Pocket
Handbook: A Backcountry Traveler's Companion
The Career Beginnings
Outward Bound component: An empirical evaluation
The Colgate University
winter wilderness survival program: January 1976
The compleat backpacker
The Complete Book of
Outdoor Survival
The Complete Book of
Survival : How to Protect Yourself Against revolution,Riots, Hurricains, Famines and Other
natural And Man-Made Disasters
The complete outdoor
handbook: A guide to outdoor living and wilderness survival
The Complete Outdoorsman's
Handbook: A Guide to Outdoor Living and Wilderness Survival
The Complete Wilderness
Training Book
The Connecticut wilderness
program: A preliminary evaluation report
The Cooperstown-Outward
Bound summer program: An informal look at the program's impact on the lives of students
The distribution in Alaska
of plant and animal life available for survival (Technical report)
The effects of racially
homogeneous and heterogeneous outward bound groups on the self-report survey scores and
drop out rates of minority students
The Encyclopedia of
Survival Techniques
The Essential Wilderness
Navigator (Ragged Mountain Press Essential Series on Outdoor Pursuits)
The evolution of the
outward bound process
The Greatest Survival
Stories Ever Told: Seventeen Incredible Tales
The influence of extended
wilderness canoe experiences on adolescent self-concept and environmental awareness
(S.S.T.A. Research Centre report)
The Last American Man
The Lewis and Clark
Expedition: Food, Nutrition, and Health (Prairie Plains Series, No. 9)
The Man Who Was Left for
The National Outdoor
Leadership School's Wilderness Guide : The Classic Handbook, Revised and Updated
The nature of nature:
Evaluating an experience in wilderness education
The New Wilderness Handbook
The official pocket
survival manual
The outdoor life emergency
survival guide
The outdoor omnibus
The Outdoor Survival
The Outdoor Survival
Handbook : A Guide To The Resources & Material Available In The Wild & How To Use
Them For Food, Shelter, Warmth, & Navigation
The Royal Marines
Commandos: Fitness and Survival Skills
The safety review manual: A
guide to conducting safety reviews for assessing and upgrading safety in outdoor adventure
The scientist at work
The Survival of Jan Little
The survivor's primer &
up-dated retreater's bibliography
The Way of the Scout
The Way Out: A True Story
of Survival
The Wilderness Survival
The wilderness trek
The Worst Case Scenario
Survival Handbook (Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbooks (Audio))
The Worst-Case Scenario
Book Of Survival Questions
The young exiles, or, The
wild tribes of the north
Thomas J. Elpel's field
guide to primitive living skills
Timely and Profitable Help
for Troubled Americans
Tips to jungle missionaries
Tlingit survival practises
and stories
To Fight the Wild
Tom Brown's Field Guide to
Nature and Survival for Children
Tom Brown's Field Guide to
Wilderness Survival (Survival School Handbooks / Tom Brown, Jr)
Trail Mix: Stories of Youth
Overcoming Adversity
Trail Safe: Averting
Threatening Human Behavior in the Outdoors (Official Guides to the Appalachian Trail)
Trapped in Devil's Hole
Tricks of the Trail: A
Guide to Modern Backpacking (Hiking & Biking)
True Adventure Stories:
Daring Exploits of the World's Greatest Adventurers (True Adventure Stories)
Two-in-one survival library
U S Armed Forces Survival
Unarmed survival in
wilderness Alaska
Underway: an approach to
experiential learning
US Army Survival Manual: FM
Utilizing adventure
education to rehabilitate juvenile delinquents
Vivir Y Sobrevivir En LA
Naturaleza/to Live and Survive in the Natural World
Walk in balance
Walking in the Mountains :
A Woman's Guide
Ways of the Woods: A Guide
to the Skills and Spirit of the Woodland Experience
What If? : A kid's guide to
surviving just about anything.
Wicked Mate Antarctic Diary
of Victor Campbell
Wilderness and survival
training as an alternative to institutionalization of juvenile delinquents
Wilderness Basics: Hiking,
Backpacking, Paddling, Mountain Biking (Mountaineers Outdoor Basics)
Wilderness Evasion : A
Guide To Hiding Out and Eluding Pursuit in Remote Areas
Wilderness experience
program: Final evaluation report
Wilderness Guides &
Packers School, Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Wilderness leader basic
training program
Wilderness Living
Wilderness Medical Society
Practice Guidelines for Wilderness Emergency Care
Wilderness programming for
adjudicated youths: An alternative to institutionalization
Wilderness Rescue with the
United States Search and Rescue Task Force
Wilderness search and
rescue (Minnesota heritage series)
Wilderness Search and
Rescue: A Complete Handbook
Wilderness Shelters and How
to Build Them
Wilderness Survival
Wilderness Survival Guide
Wilderness survival learned
by doing. : An article from: Wind Speaker
Wilderness survival manual
(Five manual series)
Wilderness survival
seminars: Field manual
Wilderness Survival.
Wilderness Survival:
Staying Alive Until Help Arrives
Wilderness Therapy for
Women: The Power of Adventure
Wilderness trails and a
dream: The story behind the Olympic Game Farm
Wilderness U.:
Opportunities for Outdoor Education in the U.S. and Abroad
Wilderness Wayfinding: How
to Survive in the Wilderness as You Travel
programs for juvenile offenders
Wildwood Wisdom
Willy Whitefeather's
Outdoor Survival Handbook for Kids (Willy Whitefeather's)
Without a trace : the
wilderness challenge (SuDoc A 13.2:T 67/4/994)
Women in the Wilderness
(Harper colophon books
You can survive,
Youth Ministry and
Wilderness Camping
Home Page
Wildlife & Nature Calendars
About Hiking and Walking
Through the entire World by alphabetical order
and Horticulture Books