Books on Reptiles and Amphibians
277 Secrets Your Snake
Wants You to Know: Unusual and Useful Information for Snake Owners and Snake Lovers
A Complete Introduction to
A Field Guide to Florida
Reptiles and Amphibians (Excluding Snakes) (Gulf Publishing Field Guides)
A Field Guide to Reptiles
& Amphibians of Eastern & Central North America (Peterson Field Guide Series)
A Field Guide to Reptiles
and Amphibians in the Hawaiian Islands
A Field Guide to Reptiles
and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America (Peterson Field Guide Series, 12)
A field guide to reptiles
and amphibians of Texas
A Field Guide to Reptiles
and Amphibians: Eastern and Central North America (Peterson Field Guide Series)
A Field Guide to Reptiles
and the Law
A Field Guide to Reptiles
of New South Wales
A Field Guide to Reptiles
of Queensland
A Field Guide to Snakes of
California (Gulf's Field Guide)
A Field Guide to Snakes of
Florida (Gulf's Field Guide Series)
A Field Guide to Snakes of
North America: Eastern and Central Regions : Eastern and Central Regions (Gulf Publishing
Field Guide Series)
A Field Guide to Texas
Reptiles and Amphibians (Field Guide Series)
A Field Guide to Texas
A Field Guide to the
Amphibians and Reptiles of the Maya World: The Lowlands of Mexico, Northern Guatemala, and
A Field Guide to Venomous
Animals and Poisonous Plants: North America North of Mexico (Peterson Field Guide Series)
A Field Guide to Water and
Wetland Plants of the Prairie Province
A Field Guide to Western
Reptiles and Amphibians (Peterson Field Guide Series)
A Field Guide to Western
Reptiles and Amphibians (Peterson Field Guides(R))
A Field Guide to Western
Reptiles and Amphibians: Field Marks of All Species in Western North America, Includung
Baja California (Peterson Field Guide Series)
A Guide to Amphibians and
Reptiles (Stokes Nature Guides)
A Guide to the Reptiles and
Frogs of the Perth Region
A Guide to the Reptiles of
Belize (Natural World)
A Kansas Snake Community:
Composition and Changes over 50 Years
A Key to Amphibians &
Reptiles of the Continental United States and Canada
A Look at Snakes Sb
(Pair-It Books)
A New Frog of the Genus
Atelopus (Anura-Bufonidae) from a Venezuelan Cloud Forest (Contributions in Biology and
A Photographic Guide to
Snakes and Other Reptiles of India
A Phylogenetic Analysis and
Taxonomy of Iguanian Lizards (Reptilia : Squamata)
A Resume of the Colubrid
Snakes of the Genus Tantilla of South America (Contributions in Biology and Geology)
A Review of the Cybotoid
Anoles: Reptilia, Sauria: Iguaidae from Hispaniola (Contributions in Biology and Geology)
A Revised Checklist With
Distribution Maps of the Turtles of the World
A Sheltered Life: The
Unexpected History of the Giant Tortoise
A Step-By-Step Book about
A World of Turtles: A
Literary Celebration
All About Iguanas
All About Snakes
Alligator Tales
Alligators & Crocodiles
(World Life Library)
Alligators &
Crocodiles: A Portrait of the Animal World (A Portrait of the Animal World)
Alligators, Prehistoric
Presence in the American Landscape (Creating the North American Landscape)
A(Ppitite)-To-Z(Igzag)! (Carole Marsh Interactive Multimedia Titles)
Alligators: Beneath the
Alterna: The Gray Banded
Amphibian Conservation
Amphibian Decline: An
Integrated Analysis of Multiple Stressor Effects
Amphibian Declines : The
Conservation Status of United States Species
Amphibian Species of the
World: Additions and Corrections (Special Publication / The University of Kansas Museum of
Amphibians & Reptiles
of Connecticut & Adjacent Regions (Bulletin Series, No 112)
Amphibians & Reptiles
of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks
Amphibians & Reptiles:
Native to Minnesota
Amphibians and Reptiles in
Amphibians and Reptiles in
Amphibians and Reptiles in
Amphibians and Reptiles in
West Virginia
Amphibians and Reptiles of
Baja California
Amphibians and Reptiles of
Amphibians and Reptiles of
LA Selva, Costa Rica, and the Caribbean Slope: A Comprehensive Guide
Amphibians and Reptiles of
Madagascar, the Mascarene, the Seychelles, and the Comoro Islands
Amphibians And Reptiles Of
Amphibians and Reptiles of
New England: Habitats and Natural History
Amphibians And Reptiles Of
New Mexico
Amphibians and Reptiles of
Northern Guatemala, the Yucatan and Belize (Animal Natural History Series, Vol 4)
Amphibians and Reptiles of
North-West Europe: Their Natural History, Ecology and Conservation
Amphibians and Reptiles of
Pennsylvania and the Northeast (Comstock Book in Hereptology)
Amphibians and Reptiles of
Texas: With Keys, Taxonomic Synopses, Bibliography, and Distribution Maps (W L Moody, Jr,
Natural History Series)
Amphibians and Reptiles of
the Carolinas and Virginia
Amphibians and Reptiles of
the Great Lakes Region (Great Lakes Environment)
Amphibians and Reptiles of
the Pacific Northwest (A Northwest naturalist book)
Amphibians and Reptiles of
Trinidad and Tobago
Amphibians and Reptiles:
Status and Conservation in Florida
Amphibians of Central and
Southern Africa (Comstock Books in Herpetology)
Amphibians of East Africa
Amphibians of Missouri
(Public Education Series)
Amphibians of Oregon,
Washington and British Columbia: A Field Identification Guide
Amphibians of Washington
and Oregon
An Atlas of Freshwater and
Marine Catfishes: A Preliminary Survey of the Siluriformes
An Identification Guide to
the Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles of the Galpagos Islands
An Illustrated Key to the
Lizards, Snakes, and Turtles of the West (DK Pocket)
Anatomy of Necturus: Text
and Dissection Guide
Anoles: Facts & Advice
on Care and Breeding (Reptile Keeper's Guide)
Anolis Lizards of the
Caribbean: Ecology, Evolution, and Plate Tectonics (Oxford Series in Ecology and
Atlas of Amphibians and
Reptiles in Britain (Aspects of Britain)
Australian Frogs: A Natural
Australian Goannas
Beginning with Snakes
Biology and Physiology of
Amphibians: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Biology and Physiology of
Amphibians Held at Karlsruhe, Fed
Biology of a Neotropical
Glass Frog, Centrolenella Fleischmanni (Boettger), with Special Reference t (Contributions
in Biology and Geology)
Biology of Amphibian Tumors
Biology of Amphibians
Biology of Gila Monsters
and Beaded Lizards (Organisms and Environments)
Biology of Reptiles
(Tertiary level biology)
Biology of the Pitvipers
Biology of the Reptilia
(Biology of the Reptilia Series)
Biology of the Reptilia:
Defense and Life History, Ecology B (Biology of the Reptilia)
Biology of the Reptilia:
Morphology B
Biology of the Reptilia:
Morphology D, Vol.4
Biology of the Reptilia:
Morphology F
Biology of the Reptilia:
Neurology A (Biology of the Reptiles)
Biology of the Reptilia:
Neurology B
Biology of the Reptilia:
Physiology B
Biology of the Reptilia:
Physiology C : Physiological Ecology (Biology of the Reptilia)
Biology of the Reptilia:
Physiology D : Physiological Ecology (Biology of the Reptilia)
Biology of Whiptail
Lizards/Genus Cnemidophorus (Herpetologists' League Special Publication)
Biology, Status, and
Management of the Timber Rattlesnake
Breeding Reptiles &
Brief History of
Herpetology in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, with
a List of Type Specimens of Recent Amphibians and Reptiles
California Salamanders
Catalogue of New World
Chameleons: Nature's Hidden
Chased by Sea Monsters:
Prehistoric Predators of the Deep
Checklist of the Amphibians
and Reptiles of Connecticut: With Notes on Uncommon Species (Bulletin / Connecticut
Department of Environmental Protectio)
Chelonia: El Retorno De LA
Tortuga Marina
Color Atlas of Xenopus
laevis Histology
Color Guide to the Reptiles
and Amphibians
Comparative Morphology of
the Inner Ear in Salamanders (Caudata, Amphibia) (World Review of Nutrition &
Complete Guide to
Scientific and Common Names of Reptiles and Amphibians of the World
Complete Guide to Snakes of
Complete Guide To Snakes Of
Southern Africa
Complete Introduction to
Frogs (Complete Introduction To...Series)
Contributions to West
Indian Herpetology (Harvard Series in Ukrainian Studies) (Harvard Series in Ukrainian
Copperheads (Snake
Discovery Library)
Coral Snakes of the
Americas: Biology, Identification, and Venoms
Coral Snakes: The Snake
Discovery Library (Snake Discovery Library)
Crocodile and Alligator
(Animals in the Wild)
Crocodile Attack/Dramatic
True Stories of Fatal and Near-Fatal Encounters Between Humans and Crocodiles
Crocodiles & Alligators
Of The World (Of the World Series)
Crocodiles and Alligators
Crocodiles and Alligators
of the World
Crocodiles of Australia
Crocodilians (Mondo
Dangerous Snakes of Africa:
Natural History - Species Directory - Venoms and Snakebite
De Dos Mundos/Of Two
Worlds: Sapos, Ranas y Salamandras en la Peninsula de Yucatan, Mexico/Frogs, Toads And
Salamanders Of The Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Developmental Biology of
the Axolotl
Discovering Sierra Reptiles
and Amphibians (Discovering Sierra Series)
Discovery Channel: Reptiles
& Amphibians : An Explore Your World Handbook (Explore Your World Handbook)
Easy Field Guide to Common
Snakes of Arizona (Easy Field Guides)
Ecology and Conservation of
Amphibians (Conservation Biology)
Ecology and Natural History
of Desert Lizards: Analyses of the Ecological Niche and Community Structure
Ecophysiology of Amphibians
Inhabiting Xeric Environments (Adaptations of Desert Organisms)
Ecophysiology of Desert
Arthropods and Reptiles (Adaptations of Desert Organisms)
Egg Incubation : Its
Effects on Embryonic Development in Birds and Reptiles
Egz Book of Frogs
Encyclopedia of North
American Reptiles and Amphibians : An Essential Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of North
Encyclopedia of Reptiles
and Amphibians, Second Edition (Ap Natural World)
Environmental Physiology of
the Amphibians
Everything You Always
Wanted to Know about Turtles But Were Afraid to Ask
Exotic Reptiles and
Amphibians of Florida
Eyelids of Morning: The
Mingled Destinies of Crocodiles and Men
Fao Species Catalogue:
Ophidiiform Fishes of the World (Order Ophidiiformes) (Fao Fisheries Synopsis)
Field Guide to Amphibians
and Reptiles of Illinois (Innovators)
Field Guide to the Reptiles
of East Africa: All the Reptiles of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi
Field Guide to the Snakes
and Other Reptiles of Southern Africa
Field Studies of Breeding
Spotted Salamanders, Abystoma Maculatum in Eastern Missouri (Contributions in Biology and
Geology / Milwaukee Public Muse)
Firefly Encyclopedia of
Reptiles and Amphibians
First Facts About Snakes
and Reptiles (First Facts about)
Flatfishes: Biology and
Florida's Fabulous Reptiles
and Amphibians
Florida's Snakes: A Guide
to Their Identification and Habits
Freshwater Fishes of Texas
Frog and Toad
Frogs & Toads
Frogs & Toads of the
World (Of the World Series)
Frogs (Buff, Sheila.
Nature's Window.)
Frogs and Reptiles of the
Sydney Relion (Bush Books)
Frogs and Toads
Frogs and Toads (A Golden
Guide from St. Martin's Press)
Frogs Postcards Book
Frogs: A Chorus of Colors
Frogs: A Portrait of the
Animal World (Portrait of the Animal World)
Frogs: A Wildlife Handbook
(Long, Kim. Johnson Nature Series.)
Frogs: Inside Their
Remarkable World
Geographic Variation and
Speciation in the Torrent Salamanders of the Genus Rhyacotriton (University of California
Publications in Zoology)
Gila Monster : Facts &
Folklore Of Americas Aztec Lizard
Goanna: The Biology of
Varanid Lizards (Australian Natural History Series)
Graeme Gow's Complete Guide
to Australian Snakes
Great Outdoors Book of
Green Guide Frogs of
Australia (Green Guides)
Green Guide Snakes &
Other Reptiles: Of Australia (Green Guides)
Guide to Florida Alligator
and Crocodile (Wildlife Series)
Guide to Florida Poisonous
Guide to Florida Turtles
Guide to the Amphibians and
Reptiles of Japan
Guide to the Reptiles of
the Eastern Palearctic
Handbook of Reptiles and
Amphibians of Florida: Part 1 The Snakes (Handbook of Reptiles & Amphibians of Flo)
Handbook of Reptiles and
Amphibians of Florida: The Amphibians, Part 3 (Handbook of Reptiles & Amphibians of
Handbook of Salamanders:
The Salamanders of the United States, of Canada, and of Lower California (Comstock Classic
Handbook of Snakes of the
United States and Canada: Comstock Classic Handbooks (2 Vol. Set)
Handbook of Turtles: The
Turtles of the United States, Canada, and Baja California (Comstock Classic Handbooks)
Handbook to Middle East
Amphibians and Reptiles (Contributions to Herpetology, No 8)
Handbuch Der Reptilien Und
Amphibien Europas
Hermit Crabs
Homeostasis in Desert
Reptiles (Adaptations of Desert Organisms)
Hormones and Reproduction
in Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles
Horned Lizards
Iguanas : Biology and
Iguanas of the World :
Their Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation (Noyes Series in Animal Behavior, Ecology,
Conservation, and Management)
In Search of the Golden
Introduction to Horned
Lizards of North America
Kingsnakes (The Snake
Discovery Library)
Laboratory Anatomy of the
Frog (Laboratory Anatomy Series)
Landscape with Reptile :
Rattlesnakes in an Urban World
Latin Names Explained: A
Guide to the Scientific Classification of Reptiles, Birds and Mammals
Les Amphibiens (Mots Et
Life History and Ecology of
the Slider Turtle
Life-Histories of the Frogs
of Okefinokee Swamp, Georgia: North American Salientia (Anura) No. 2 (North American
Living Boas
Living Dragons: A Natural
History of the World's Monitor Lizards
Living Pythons
Lizard Ecology
Lizards and Turtles of
South Central Texas
Lizards of Iran
(Contributions to Herpetology) (Contributions to Herpetology)
Lizards of the British
Lizards of the Genus Emoia
(Scincidae With Observations on Their Evolution and Biogeography)
Lizards of the World (Of
the World Series)
Lizards of the World, A
Lizards: A Natural History
of Some Uncommon Creatures --Extraordinary Chameleons, Iguanas, Geckos, and More
Loco for Lizards
Loggerhead Sea Turtles
Lone Star Field Guide to
Texas Snakes, Third Edition (Lone Star Guides)
Lone Star Field Guide to
the Snakes of Florida, Second Edition (Lone Star Field Guides)
Mac's Field Guide to
Reptiles of North America (Mac's Guides (Paperback))
Mammal-Like Reptiles and
the Origin of Mammals
Marriage & Family
Masters of Disguise: A
Natural History of Chameleons
Measuring and Monitoring
Biological Diversity: Standard Methods for Amphibians (Biological Diversity Handbook)
Michigan Frogs, Toads and
Salamanders (Extension Bulletin)
Michigan Snakes (Extension
Michigan Turtles &
Lizards (Reptiles & Amphibians)
Middle American
Herpetology: A Bibliographic Checklist
Mollies: Keeping &
Breeding Them in Captivity
Monitoring Amphibians in
Great Smoky Mountains National Park (U.S. Geological Survey Circular)
Monitors: The Biology of
Varanid Lizards
National Audubon Society
Pocket Guide to Familiar Reptiles and Amphibians (Audubon Pocket Guides)
Natural History of West
Indian Boas
Nature's Fading Chorus:
Classic & Contemporary Writings on Amphibians
Neotropical Tree Boa's: The
Natural History of the Common Tree Boa
New Frogs: Leptodactylidae,
Eleutherodactylus: From Cloud Forest of the Northern Cordillera Oriental, Columbia
(Contributions in Biology and Geology / Milwaukee Public Muse)
Newts of the British Isles
North American Box Turtles:
A Natural History (Animal Natural History Series)
North American Watersnakes:
A Natural History (Animal Natural History Series, V. 8)
North american wildlife:
mammals, reptiles, amphibians field guide (North American Wildlife)
Passionate Slugs &
Hollywood Frogs: An Uncommon Field Guide to Northwest Backyards
Patterns of Distribution of
Amphibians : A Global Perspective
Peterson First Guide to
Reptiles and Amphibians (Peterson First Guides(R))
Phylogenetic Relationships
Among Advanced Snakes: A Molecular Perspective (University of California Publications in
Phylogenetic Relationships
Among Gerrhonotine Lizards: An Analysis of External Morphology (University of California
Phylogenetic Systematics of
Iguanine Lizards: A Comparative Osteological Study
Plants of Coastal British
Pleistocene Amphibians and
Reptiles in Britain and Europe (Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics)
Pleistocene Amphibians and
Reptiles in North America (Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics)
Poison Arrow Frogs: Their
Natural History and Care in Captivity
Poisonous Snakes
Poisonous Snakes of India
Poisonous Snakes of Texas
Poisonous Snakes of the
Population Dynamics of
Crocodylus Porosus and Status, Management and Recovery, Update 1979-1983 (Surveys of Tidal
River Systems in the Northern Territory & T)
Practical Encyclopedia of
Keeping and Breeding Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles
Predation and Defense
Amongst Reptiles
Pythons (The Snake
Discovery Library)
Pythons and Boas
Pythons of Australia
Pythons of the World:
Australia (Herpetocultural Library)
Quick & Easy Tokay
Gecko Care (Quick & Easy)
Rare and Endangered Biota
of Florida: Amphibians and Reptiles (Rare and Endangered Biota of Florida)
Rat Snakes (The Snake
Discovery Library)
Rattler!: A Natural History
of Rattlesnakes
Rattlers and Snappers:
Teachings, Tales, and Tidbits
Rattlesnake: Portrait of a
Regulation of Vertebrate
Limb Regeneration
Reptile and Amphibian
Variants: Colors, Patterns, and Scales
Reptiles & Amphibians
(Expedition Field Techniques)
Reptiles & Amphibians
(Home Reference Library (San Francisco, Calif.).)
Reptiles & Amphibians
(Little Guides (San Francisco, Calif.).)
Reptiles & Amphibians
for Dummies
Reptiles & Amphibians
of Australia
Reptiles & Amphibians
Of Michigan: Field Guide (Reptiles & Amphibians (Adventure Publications))
Reptiles & Amphibians
of Minnesota Field Guide (Reptiles & Amphibians)
Reptiles & Amphibians
Of Wisconsin Field Guide
Reptiles (Children's Nature
Reptiles (Golden Photo
Reptiles (Science Safari
Reptiles and Amphibians
Reptiles and Amphibians :
Revised and Updated (A Golden Guide from St. Martin's Press)
Reptiles and Amphibians of
Europe (Princeton Field Guides)
Reptiles and Amphibians of
South Australia (Civil War Series) (Civil War Series)
Reptiles and Amphibians of
the Amazon: An Ecotourist's Guide
Reptiles and Amphibians of
the West (DK Pocket)
Reptiles of Australia
(Princeton Field Guides)
Reptiles of Central America
Reptiles of North America
Reptiles of the Northwest
Reptiles of Washington and
Oregon (Trailside)
Reptiles Through the Ages
Reserved for Crocodiles,
Proceedings for 12th Meeting, 1994
Salamanders & Newts
Scientific and Common Names
for the Amphibians and Reptiles of Mexico in English and Spanish (Herpetological Circular)
(Herpetological Circular)
Sea Dragons: Predators of
the Prehistoric Oceans
Sea Snakes
Sea Turtles : A Complete
Guide to Their Biology, Behavior, and Conservation
Sea Turtles of Hawai'i
Sea Turtles of the World
(Worldlife Discovery Guides)
Sea Turtles: The Watcher's
Sealife: A Complete Guide
to the Marine Environment
Search for the Great Turtle
Sharks of the World (Of the
World Series)
Small Freshwater Creatures
(Natural History (New York, N.Y.).)
Smithsonian Answer Book:
Snakes, Second Edition
Snake Species of the World:
A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, Volume 1
Snakes & Reptiles: A
Portrait of the Animal World (A Portrait of the Animal World)
Snakes (Collins Gem)
(Collins Gem)
Snakes (Natural World
Snakes (No. 05352)
Snakes (Pocket Companion)
Snakes (Wildlife)
Snakes (Wonder Starters)
Snakes (World Life Library:
Snakes (Zoobooks Series)
Snakes : A Natural History
Snakes and Other Reptiles
of the Southwest
Snakes and Snake Bite in
Southern Africa
Snakes and Their Ways
Snakes of Australia:
Dangerous and Harmless
Snakes of Eastern North
Snakes of Georgia &
South Carolina
Snakes of North America:
Western Region (Field Guide Series)
Snakes of South America
Snakes of South-Central
Snakes of Sumatra:
Annotated Checklist and Key with Natural History Notes
Snakes of the Agkistrodon
Complex: A Monographic Review (Contributions to Herpetology) (Contributions to
Snakes of the Americas:
Checklist and Lexicon
Snakes Of The Southeast
(Wormsloe Foundation Nature Book)
Snakes of the United States
and Canada
Snakes of the World
Snakes of the World: A
Checklist, Boas, Pythons, Sheild Tails and Worm Snakes
Snakes of Utah
Snakes of Virginia
Snakes of Western Australia
Snakes Photoguide (Collins
Snakes, Lizards, Turtles,
Frogs, Toads and Salamanders of New Mexico
Snakes: A Golden Guide from
St. Martin's Press
Snakes: Atlas of Elapid
Snakes in Australia (Australian Flora & Fauna Series, No. 7)
Snakes: Ecology and
Snakes: The Evolution of
Mystery in Nature
So excellent a fishe: A
natural history of sea turtles
South African Frogs: A
Complete Guide
Supplement to West Indian
Amphibians & Reptiles: A Checklist (Contributions in Biology and Geology)
Surinaamse Slangeninkleur:
Surinam Snakes in Color
Surveys of Tidal River
Systems in the Northern Territory and Their Crocodile Populations
Tadpoles of the Forested
Regions of Borneo
Take Care!: Poisonous
Australian Animals
Tales of Giant Snakes: A
Historical Natural History of Anacondas and Pythons
Tammy Turtle: A Tale of
Saving Sea Turtles (Suzanne Tate's Nature Series)
Texas Snakes : A Field
Guide (Texas Natural History Guides)
Texas Snakes:
Identification, Distribution, and Natural History
The Adder (Shire Natural
The Age of Reptiles
The Aldabran Tortoise
Expert's Guide
The Amphibian in
Transplantation Immunity (Monographs in Developmental Biology)
The Amphibians and Reptiles
of Arkansas
The Amphibians and Reptiles
of Louisiana
The Amphibians and Reptiles
of Manitoba
The Amphibians and Reptiles
of the Yucatan Peninsula
The Amphibians of British
Columbia (New Canadian Library)
The Amphibians of Great
Smoky Mountains National Park
The Bengal Monitor
The Book of Snakes
The Breakthrough Reptile
and Amphibian Taxidermy Manual
The Calls of Frogs and
The Common Toad
The Cuban Lizards of Genus
Sphaerodactylus (Sauria, Gekkonidae) (Contributions in Biology and Geology)
The Cuban Treefrog in
Florida: Life History of a Successful Colonizing Species
The Development of the
Larval Pigment Patterns in Triturus Alpestris and Ambystoma Mexicanum (Advances in
Anatomy, Embryology, and Cell Biology, Vol)
The Ecology and Biology of
Mammal-Like Reptiles
The Ecology of a Symbiotic
Community: Population Biology of the Japanese Lizard Takydromus Tachydromoides (Schlegel)
(Lacertidae) (Vol 1 (1st of a 2 Vol Set)
The Ecology of a Symbiotic
Community: Population Biology of the Japanese Lizard Takydromus Tachydromoides and Its
The Economics of Conserving
Wildlife and Natural Areas
The Eight Great Tortoises
The Encyclopedia of Snakes
The Exotic Amphibians and
Reptiles of Florida
The First Dinosaur Book:
Richard Owen on British Fossil Reptiles (1842) (History of Earth Sciences Series)
The Florida Alligator: In
Old Picture Postcards
The Galapagos Tortoise
Expert's Guide (B & W ed.)
The Garter Snakes:
Evolution and Ecology (Animal Natural History Series, Vol 2)
The Great African
Spur-Thighed or Sulcata Tortoise
The Great Outdoors Book of
Florida Snakes
The Great Red Foot Tortoise
(Vol. 4:Tortoises of the World) 2nd ed
The Guide to Owning Eyelash
and Temple Vipers (Guide to Owning)
The Herpetology of Cuba
(Facsimile Reprints in Herpetology) (Facsimile Reprints in Herpetology)
The Hippos: Natural History
and Conservation (A Volume in the Poyser Natural History Series)
The Illustrated Guide to
Poisonous Snakes
The Lizard Man Speaks
(Corrie Herring Hooks Series)
The Loggerhead Turtle in
the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
The Microstructure of
Dinosaur Bone : Deciphering Biology with Fine-Scale Techniques
The National Audubon
Society Field Guide to North American Reptiles and Amphibians
The Natural History of
Monitor Lizards
The Newts and Salamanders
of Europe
The Panther Chameleon:
Color Variation, Natural History, Conservation, and Captive Management
The Reptiles of Virginia
The ROM Field Guide to
Amphibians and Reptiles of Ontario
The Sea Turtle: So
Excellent a Fishe
The Small and Medium-Sized
The Snake
The Snake Almanac
The Snakes of Trinidad and
Tobago (W L Moody, Jr, Natural History Series)
The Taipan: The World's
Most Dangerous Snake
The Ultimate Guide To
Snakes & Reptiles
The Venomous Reptiles of
Latin America (Comstock Book)
The World Encyclopedia of
The World's Most
Spectacular Reptiles & Amphibians
The Year of the Turtle: A
Natural History
Their Blood Runs Cold:
Adventures With Reptiles and Amphibians
Those Fabulous Frogs
(Ranger Rick Science Spectacular)
Today I Am . . . an
Tortoise (Animal)
Tortoise Dodos: The
Mascarene Migration and Massacre
Tortoises of the World Vol.
3: The Sulcata
Tortoises, Terrapins &
Turtles (Facsimile Reprints in Herpetology (Unnumbered))
Tortugas de Las Regiones
Aridas de Argentina (Monografia L.O.L.A.,)
Trail of the Snake from Big
Bend to Baja
Tread Lightly: Venomous and
Poisonous Animals of the Southwest
Tree Vipers (The Snake
Discovery Library)
Tropical Island
True Vipers: Natural
History and Toxinology of Old World Vipers
Tuatara: A Living Fossil
Turtle Conservation
Turtles & Tortoises of
the World (Of the World Series)
Turtles and Tortoises
Turtles of the United
States and Canada
Turtles, Tortoises &
Terrapins: A Checklist
Turtles, Tortoises and
Terrapins: Survivors in Armor
Turtles, Twenty Remarkable
Turtles: Perspectives and
U.S. Guide to Venomous
Snakes and Their Mimics
"Untersuchungen Zur
Biologie Der Erdkrote "Bufo Bufo L." (Distinguished Dissertations Series)
Venomous Reptiles
Venomous Reptiles of North
Venomous Snakes of
Nicaragua (Contributions in Biology and Geology / Milwaukee Public Muse)
Venomous Snakes of the
Viruses of Lower
Visuomotor Coordination:
Amphibians, Comparisons, Models, and Robots
Wart Toad
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