Books on Fishes
1000 Photos of Aquarium
Fish (1000 Photos Series)
101 Essential Tips: Aquarium
101 Facts About Sharks (101
Facts About Predators)
A Basic Book of Goldfish:
A Checklist of Ontario
Freshwater Fishes: Annotated With Distribution Maps
A Colour Atlas of Salmonid
A Common Fate: Endangered
Salmon and the People of the Pacific Northwest
A Complete Guide to
Freshwater Fishes of Southern Africa
A Complete Guide to the
Freshwater Fishes of Southern Africa
A Complete Introduction to
A Descriptive Catalogue of
the Indian Deep-Sea Fishes in the Indian Museum.
A Dictionary of Fishes
A Field Guide to Atlantic
Coast Fishes : North America (Peterson Field Guides)
A Field Guide to Atlantic
Coast Fishes of North America (Peterson Field Guide Series)
A Field Guide to Australian
A Field Guide to Freshwater
Fishes : North America North of Mexico (Peterson Field Guides)
A Field Guide to Pacific
Coast Fishes : North America (Peterson Field Guides)
A Field Guide to Pacific
Coast Fishes of North America: From the Gulf of Alaska to Baja California (Peterson Field
Guide Series)
A First Look at Sharks (First
Look At...(Walker & Co.))
A Fish Caught in Time : The
Search for the Coelacanth
A fish hatches
A Fishkeeper's Guide to Fish
A Fishkeeper's Guide to Koi:
Comprehensive Advice on Maintaining and Displaying These Spectacular Ornamental Carp
A Fishkeeper's Guide to
Livebearing Fishes: A Splendid Introduction to the Care and Breeding of a Wide Range of
These Fascinating Fishes
A Fishkeeper's Guide to the
Healthy Aquarium
A Frog's Body
A Functional Biology of
Sticklebacks (Functional Biology Series)
A Good Boat Speaks for
Itself: Isle Royale Fishermen and Their Boats
A Guide to California's
Freshwater Fishes
A guide to common reef fishes
of the western Indian Ocean
A Guide to Seashore Life
A Guide to the Common Sea
Fishes of Southern Africa
A Guide to the Coral Reef
Life of Singapore
A Guide to the Freshwater
Fish of Britain, Ireland & Europe
A Guide to the Freshwater
Fishes of Singapore
A Guide to the Frogs and
Toads of Belize
A Guide to the World of the
A history of fishes
ABC's of Goldfish
About Fish: A Guide For
Children (About...)
Acidification and Fish in
Scottish Lochs
Acidification of Freshwater
Ecosystems : Implications for the Future (Dahlem Workshop Reports -- Environmental
Advanced Koi Care for the
Veterinarian and Experienced Koi Keeper
Advanced Whitetail Hunting
(Hunting & Fishing Library)
Advances in Extrusion
Technology: Aquaculture Animal Feeds & Foods
Advances in Invertebrates and
Fish Telemetry (Developments in Hydrobiology)
Advances in Marine Biology
(Advances in Marine Biology)
Adventures With Sharks
African Cichlids
African Cichlids II: Cichlids
from Eastern Africa : A Handbook for Their Identification, Care and Breeding
African Cichlids of Lake
African Inland Fisheries,
Aquaculture and the Environment
Against the Tide: The Fate of
the New England Fisherman
Age and Growth of Fish
Age determination and growth
in fish and other aquatic animals
Ageing in Cold-Blooded
Vertebrates (Gerontology)
Agriculture and
Agro-Industry, Including Fisheries: Programme of Research and Technological Development :
Third Framework Programme 1991-94 : Synopsis ... in the Field of Fisheries and (Eur 16482)
Air-Breathing Fishes :
Evolution, Diversity, and Adaptation
Air-breathing Fishes of India
Alaska's Fish: A Guide to
Selected Species (Alaska Pocket Guide)
Album of Sharks (Album Books)
Algae and their
Biotechnological Potential
Algal Ecology : Freshwater
Benthic Ecosystem (Aquatic Ecology)
All About Sharks (All
About... (Scholastic))
All About the Frog (Sterling
Color Nature Book)
All About Your Goldfish (All
About Your...Series)
Alligators: A Success Story
(Redfeather Book)
Alternative Life-History
Styles of Animals (Perspectives in Vertebrate Science)
Alternative Life-History
Styles of Fishes (Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes)
Alternative Management
Systems For Fisheries
Amazing Fact Book of Fish
(Amazing Fact Book Library)
Amazing Fish (Eyewitness
Amazing Jellies : Jewels of
the Sea
Amazing Sharks
Amazing Sharks! (I Can Read
Book 2)
American Aquarium Fishes (W L
Moody, Jr, Natural History Series)
American Forests: Nature,
Culture, and Politics (Development of Western Resources Series)
American Shad in the
Susquehanna River Basin: A Three-Hundred-Year History (Keystone Books)
Amphibian Decline: An
Integrated Analysis of Multiple Stressor Effects
Amphibians (Animal Kingdom)
Amphibians (Exploring the
Animal Kingdom)
Amphibians (O'Hare, Ted, What
Makes An Animal?,)
"Amphibians (Science
Around">(Child's World (Firm).)
Amphibians (Stone, Lynn M.
Animals in Disguise.)
Amphibians and Reptiles in
West Virginia
Amphibians of East Africa
Amphibians of Washington and
Amphibians: The World of
Frogs, Toads, Salamanders and Newts
Amphibien Der
Westafrikanischen Savanne (Wissenschaftsskripten)
An Assessment of Atlantic
Bluefin Tuna
An atlas of distribution of
the freshwater fish families of the world
An Atlas of Fish Histology:
Normal and Pathological Features
An Illustrated Encyclopedia
of Aquarium Fish
An Instant Guide to Aquarium
Fish (Instant Guides)
An Introduction to Fishes
Anaerobic Digestion of Fish
Processing Wastewater With Special Emphasis on Hydrolysis of Suspended Solids (IHE Thesis
Anaesthesia and Sedative
Techniques for Aquatic Animals
Analytical Techniques
(Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Fishes)
Anatomy & Physiology of
Anatomy and Dissection of the
Frog (Dissection of the Frog)
Anatomy of the Shark Textbook
and Dissection Guide
Anemone Fishes and Their Host
Sea Anemones
Angelfish, Megamouth Sharks
& Other Fish (Animal Kingdom Classification)
Animal Fact Files Fish
Answers to Your Questions
About Sharks
Antarctic Fish and Fisheries
(Studies in Polar Research)
Antarctic Fish Biology :
Evolution in a Unique Environment
Applied Fish Pharmacology
(Aquaculture Series)
Aqua Genomics
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Biotechnology: Genetic Approaches
Aquaculture Desk Reference
Aquaculture Development:
Progress and Prospects
Aquaculture of the United
States: A Historical Survey
Aquaculture Science
Aquaculture Systems: Process,
Engineering and Development
Aquaculture Water Reuse
Systems: Engineering Design and Management (Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries
Aquaculture: Biology and
Ecology of Cultured Species (Ellis Horwood Series in Aquaculture and Fisheries Support)
Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic
Aquaculture: Fundamental and
Applied Research (Coastal and Estuarine Sciences)
Aquaculture: The Ecological
Issues (Ecological Issues Series)
Aquaculture-Based Fisheries
Aqualex: A Glossary of
Aquaculture Terms (Wiley-Praxis Series in Aquaculture and Fisheries)
Aquariology: Fish Breeding
and Genetics
Aquarium Fish (Mini Fact
Aquarium Fish Breeding
Aquarium Fish Playing Cards
(The Natural World Playing Card Collection)
Aquarium Fish: A Portrait of
the Animal World (Portraits of the Animal World)
Aquarium Keeping &
Rescue: The Essential Saltwater Handbook & Log
Aquariums of North America
Aquasols: Fine Particles in
Aquatic Environments
Aquatic Chemistry
Aquatic Chemistry:
Interfacial and Interspecies Processes (Advances in Chemistry Series)
Aquatic Effects of Acidic
Aquatic Microbiology: An
Ecological Approach
Aquatic Oligochaete Biology
VIII: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaeta, held in
Bilbao, Spain, 18-22 July 2000 (Developments in Hydrobiology, Volume 158)
Aquatic Photosynthesis
Aquatic Telemetry
(Developments in Hydrobiology)
Aquatic Toxicology Molecular
Biochemical and Cellular Perspective
Arctic Charr Aquaculture
Artificial Reefs
(Environmental Management Series)
Ascorbic Acid In Aquatic
Organisms: Status and Perspectives
Asia Regional Technical
Guidelines on Health Management for Responsible Movement Fisheries Technical Papers (F a O
Fishereis Technical Papers, 402)
Assessing the Sustainability
and Biological Integrity of Water Resources Using Fish Communities
Atlantic Fishes of Canada
(Pre-Socratiques Phoenix)
Atlantic Halibut
(Hippoglossus Hippoglossus) and Pacific Halibut (H. Stenolepis) and Their North Ame
(Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Scienc)
Atlantic Salmon Chronicles:
The Fish, the Rivers, the Fly-Fishing Techniques and Equipment
Atlantic Salmon: An
Illustrated Natural History
Atlantic Salmon-92
Atlanticheskaia treska:
Biologiia, ekologiia, promysel
Atlas & Zoogeography of
Common Fishes in the Bering Sea & Northeastern Pacific
Atlas des poissons d'eau
douce de Guyane, tome 1
Atlas Ichthyologique Des
Indes Orientales Neerlandaises (Atlas of Fishes of the Dutch East Indies)
Atlas Ichthyologique Des
Indes Orientales Neerlandaises: Percoides III
Atlas Ichtyologique Des Indes
Orientales Neerlandaises (Atlas of Fishers of the Dutch East Indies)
Atlas Ichtyologique Des Indes
Orientales Neerlandaises/Atlas of Fishes of the Dutch East Indies
Atlas of Chrysophycean Cysts
: Volume II (Developments in Hydrobiology)
Atlas of Livebearers of the
Atlas of North American
Freshwater Fishes: 1983 Supplement (Occasional Papers of the North Carolina Biological
Austin Microbiological (Ellis
Horwood series in aquaculture and fisheries support)
Australian Frogs: A Natural
Australian Seafood Handbook:
An Identification Guide to Domestic Species
Bacteria from Fish and Other
Aquatic Animals: A Practical Identification Manual
Bacterial Diseases of Fishes
Bacterial Fish Pathogens :
Disease of Farmed and Wild Fish (Springer Praxis Books / Aquaculture and Fisheries)
Bacterial Fish Pathogens:
Disease in Farmed and Wild Fish (Ellis Horwood Series in Aquaculture and Fisheries
Baensch Aquarium Atlas: Photo
Index 1-5
Baltic Fisheries: An
Integrated View: Proceedings of the Conference on Baltic Fisheries : Wa Rnemunde, Germany
14 to 16 November 1994
Bar Fishing the Lower Fraser
BASIC Fishery Science
Bassin' with a Fly Rod
Behaviour of Teleost Fishes
(Fish & Fisheries Series)
Behavioural Ecology of Fishes
(Ettore Majorana International Life Science Series)
Behavioural Ecology of
Teleost Fishes
Beneath Tropic Seas Fishe
Bettas: A Complete
Introduction (Guide to Owning A...)
Better Angling With Simple
Better Freshwater Fish
Farming: Raising Fish in Pens & Cages (Better Farming Series)
Better Freshwater Fish
Farming: The Pond, 1981 Edition (Better Farming Series)
Better Trout Habitat: A Guide
to Stream Restoration and Management
Beyond the Green Water
Bigelow and Schroeder's
Fishes of the Gulf of Maine (Third Edition)
Billy Bluefish: A Tale of Big
Blues (Suzanne Tate's Nature Series)
Bioaccumulation in Marine
Biodiversity Dynamics and
Conservation : The Freshwater Fish of Tropical Africa
Biofilms in the Aquatic
Environment (Special Publication (Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)))
Biogeochemistry of Gulf of
Mexico Estuaries
Biological Monitoring of
Aquatic Systems
Biology and Ecology of Fishes
Biology and Ecology of the
Brown Sea Trout
Biology of Amphibians
Biology of Antarctic Fish
Biology of Fishes
Biology of Freshwater
Biology of Hagfishes
Biology of Penaeid Prawns in
Northern Australia
Biology of Sharks and Their
Biology of the Hard Clam
(Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science)
Biology of the Spotted
Biotechnology and Genetics in
Fisheries and Aquaculture
Bivalve Moluscs: Biology,
Ecology and Culture
Bloch's Fishes : (1782-1795)
Blue Meridian: The Search for
the Great White Shark (Penguin Nature Classics Series)
Blues (Vintage)
Bond's Biology of Fishes
Bonefish Fly Patterns
Book of Fishes
Boreal Shield Watersheds:
Lake Trout Ecosystems in a Changing Environment
Bottom Soils, Sediment, and
Pond Aquaculture (Plant and Animal Series)
Brain Atlas of the Adult
Swordtail Fish: Xiphophorus Helleri and of Certain Developmental Stages
Bright Waters
British and European fishes,
freshwater and marine species: Illustrated and identified with colour photographs (Chatto
nature guides)
British Freshwater Fishes:
Factors Affecting Their Distribution (A Buckland Foundation Book)
Brook Trout
Bsava Manual of Ornamental
Bullfrog (Life Cycles)
Butterfly and Angelfishes of
the World
Cage Aquaculture
Cal 99 Largemouth Bass
Calcareous Nannofossil
Biostratigraphy (British Micropalaeontological Society Publications Series)
Candiru: Life and Legend of
the Bloodsucking Catfishes
Captive Seawater Fishes :
Science and Technology
Caribbean Amphibians and
Caribbean Reef Fish (Pisces
Photo Pak)
Caribbean Reef Fishes
Carp & Pondfish Culture
Carp Farming
Catalog of Fishes (Special
Publication No. 1 of the Center for Biodiversity Res)
Catalogue des Invertébrés
marins de l'estuaire et du golfe du Saint-Laurent / Catalogue of the Marine Invertebrates
Catch! : A Fishmonger's Guide
to Greatness
Catfish and the Delta:
Confederate Fish Farming in the Mississippi Delta
Caviar: The Strange History
And Uncertain Future of the World?s Most Coveted Delicacy
Cellular and Molecular
Approaches to Fish Ionic Regulation (Fish Physiology)
Cephalopod Behaviour
Ceratodus, the Australian
Channel Catfish Culture
(Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science)
Channel Catfish Farming Set
Checklist of the Parasites of
Fishes of the Philippines: Fao Fisheries Technical Paper 369
Chemical and Biological
Regulation of Aquatic Systems
Chemical Biology of Fishes
Chemically Induced
Alterations in Functional Development and Reproduction of Fishes (Setac Technical
Publications Series)
Chemoreception in Fishes
(Handbook of Exploration Geochemistry)
Chromosome Atlas: Fish,
Amphibians, Reptiles & Birds (Chromosome Atlas)
Cichlid Fishes : Behaviour,
ecology and evolution (Fish & Fisheries Series)
Cichlids from West Africa: A
Handbook for Their Identification, Care, and Breeding
Cichlids of North &
Central America
Cifa Report of the Session of
the Sub Committee for Lake Tanganyika Cfram (Fao Fisheries Reports)
Class Pisces
Climate Change and Northern
Fish Populations (Climate Change & Northern Fish Populations)
Close to Shore : The
Terrifying Shark Attacks of 1916
Close to Shore: A True Story
of Terror in an Age of Innocence (Thorndike Press Large Print American History Series)
Clown Fish (Under the Sea)
Coastal Fishes of New
Zealand: An Identification Guide
Coastal Fishes of Oman
Coastal Fishes of
South-Eastern Australia
Coastal Fishes of the Pacific
Cod : A Biography of the Fish
That Changed the World
Coelacanth: The Living Fossil
(Weird Wonders of the Deep)
Coercive and Discursive
Compliance Mechanisms in the Management of Natural Resources: A Case Study from the
Barents Sea Fisheries
Cold-Blooded Animals (World
of Science)
Collection Building in
Ichthyology and Herpetology (Special Publication / American Society of Ichthyologists and
Herpetologists) (Special Publication / American Society of Ichthyologists and)
Color Atlas of Xenopus laevis
Color Guide to Corn Snakes
(General Care and Maintenance of Series)
Commercial Fishing: The Wider
Ecological Impacts
Committee on Fisheries:
Report of the Fifth Session of the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade : Bremen, Germany, 4-7 June
1996 (Fao Fisheries Report)
Common and Scientific Names
of Aquatic Invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Mollusks
Communication and
Noncommunication by Cephalopods (Animal Communication)
Communication in Fishes
Community and Evolutionary
Ecology of North American Stream Fishes
Comparative Hearing: Fish and
Amphibians (Springer Handbook of Auditory Research)
Complete Book of the Grayling
Complete Encyclopedia of the
Freshwater Aquarium
Complete Encyclopedia of the
Saltwater Aquarium
Completion of the European
Directory of Marine Environmental Data (Edmed) for All
Comprehensive Guide to
Western Gamefish
Computer Fun and Games
(Eyewitness Files Series)
Computers in Fisheries
Conservation Genetics at
Conservation of Endangered
Freshwater Fish in Europe (Advances in Life Sciences)
Conservation of Fish and
Shellfish Resources : Managing Diversity
Conservation of Freshwater
Fishes: Options for the Future
Consider the Eel
Contaminant Effects on
Fisheries (Advances in Environmental Science & Technology)
Continental Shelves
(Ecosystems of the World)
Control Processes in Fish
Conversion of
Fisheries-Dependent Areas - Aims Experience Prospects: Aims, Experience, Prospects : Round
Table, Brussels, 17th May 1995
Copepods Parasitic on Fishes:
Keys and Notes for Identification of the Species (Synopses of the British Fauna)
Coral Fish (Natural World
Coral Reef Fishes
Coral Reef Fishes: Dynamics
and Diversity in a Complex Ecosystem
Coral Reef Fishes:
Indo-Pacific and Caribbean
Coral Reefs: Ecosystems of
the World, Vol. 25 (Ecosystems of the World)
Corydoras and Related
Catfishes (Complete Introduction Series)
Corydoras Catfish: An
Aquarist's Handbook
Could You Be a Frog?
(Survival Series)
FISH OF THE PACIFIC (Cousteau Society)
Cousteau's Great White Shark
Cranial Nerves of the
Coelacanth, Latimeria Chalumnae {Osteichthyes: Sarcopterygii : Actinistia}, and
Comparisons With Other Craniata
Creative Governance:
Opportunities for Fisheries in Europe
Crustacean Farming: Ranching
and Culture
Cultivation of Bivalve
Culture and Capture of Fish
in Chinese Reservoirs
Culture of Coldwater Marine
Current Fisheries Issues and
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Current Status of Fisheries
& Fish Stocks of the Four Largest African Reservoirs: Kainji, Kariba, Nasser/Nubia,
and Volta (C I F a Technical Paper)
Current Trends in the Study
of Bacterial and Viral Fish and Shrimp Diseases (Molecular Aspects of Fish and Marine
Cutthroat: Native Trout of
the West
Cyprinid Fishes :
Systematics, biology and exploitation (Fish & Fisheries Series)
Dangerous Aquatic Animals of
the World: A Color Atlas
Dangerous Fish (New True
Darwin's Dreampond : Drama in
Lake Victoria
Darwin's Fishes : An
Encyclopedia of Ichthyology, Ecology, and Evolution
Dead Fish and Fat Cats: A
No-Nonsense Journey Through Our Dysfunctional Fishing Industry
Dead Reckoning: Confronting
the Crisis in Pacific Fisheries (David Suzuki Foundation Series)
Deep-Sea Demersal Fish and
Fisheries (Fish & Fisheries Series)
Deep-Sea Fishes (Fish
Deep-Sea World, Fife
Deep-Water Fisheries of the
North Atlantic Oceanic Slope (Nato Science Series E:)
Degen Discus Book
Depth Perception in Frogs and
Toads: A Study in Neural Computing
Depth Perception in Frogs and
Toads: A Study in Neural Computing (Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 80)
Design and Operating Guide
for Aquaculture Seawater Systems (Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science)
Design of Fishways and Other
Fish Facilities
Designing Teaching Strategies
: An Applied Behavior Analysis Systems Approach (Educational Psychology)
Developmental Biology of
Teleost Fishes (Fish & Fisheries Series)
Diadromy in Fishes
Dictionary of Evolutionary
Fish Osteology
Die Suesswasserfische Europas
(The Freshwater Fishes of Europe)
(Discovering Series)
Discus As a Hobby: Everything
You Need to Know to Get Started (Save-Our-Planet Book)
Discus in the Community Tank
Discus Today
Discus: A Reference Book
Discus: How to Breed Them
Diseases and Disorders of
Finfish in Cage Culture
Dissection Guides (Dissection
Distribution and Zoogeography
of the Bivalva of the Eastern Pacific Ocean (Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and
Aquatic Sciences)
Distribution, Biology, and
Management of Exotic Fishes
Divers and Snorkelers Guide
to the Fishes and Sea Life of the Caribbean, Florida, Bahamas, and Bermuda
Diver's Guide to Fishes of
Diving With Sharks (Stone,
Lynn M. Read All About Sharks.)
Do Fishes Get Thirsty:
Questions Answered by Dr. Les Kaufman and the Staff of the New England Aquarium
Dogfish Dissection Manual
Dolphins and Porpoises/Poster
Donald and the Fish That
Walked (Science I Can Read Book)
Dr Axelrods Atlas Freshwater
Dr Burgess's Atlas of Marine
Aquarium Fishes (Guide to Owning A...)
Dr. Burgess's Mini-Atlas of
Marine Aquarium Fishes
Dr. Clifford Chan's Book of
Singapore Discus
Dwarf Cichlids
Dwarf Cichlids: A Handbook
for Their Identification, Care, and Breeding (American Cichlids)
Dynamic Aquaria: Building
Living Ecosystems
Dynamic Geography of Marine
Fish Populations (Bookpubs Recruitment Fishery Oceanography)
Dynamics of Marine Fish
Dynamics of Pelagic Fish
Distribution and Behaviour: Effects on Fisheries and Stock Assessment
Dynamics of Pond Aquaculture
Early Life History and
Recruitment in Fish Populations (Fish & Fisheries Series)
Early Life History of Fish :
An energetics approach (Fish & Fisheries Series)
Early Life History of Fishes
in the San Francisco Estuary and Watershed: Proceedings of the Symposium, Early Life
History of Fishes in the San Francis (American Fisheries Society Symposium,)
Early Life History of Marine
Fish: The Egg Stage
Early Life Stage Mortality
Syndrome in Fishes of the Great Lakes and Baltic Sea (American Fisheries Society,
Eco-Labelling in Fisheries:
What Is It All About?
Ecological Aquaculture
Ecological Aspects of
Salmonid Fry Behaviour in River Conditions
Ecological Studies in
Tropical Fish Communities (Cambridge Tropical Biology Series)
Ecology and Conservation of
Amphibians (Conservation Biology)
Ecology and Ethology of
Fishes (Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes)
Ecology and Evolution of
Livebearing Fishes (Poeciliidae)
Ecology and Management of
Atlantic Salmon
Ecology of a Glacial Flood
Plain (Aquatic Ecology Series)
Ecology of Coastal Waters:
With Implications for Management
Ecology of Fish and Wildlife
Ecology of Fresh Waters: Man
and Medium, Past to Future
Ecology of Freshwater Fish
Ecology of Marine Bivalves:
An Ecosystem Approach
Ecology of teleost fishes
(Fish and fisheries series)
Ecology of the Marine Fishes
of Cuba
Ecology of the Planted
Aquarium: A Practical Manual and Scientific Treatise for the Home Aquarist
Ecology, Behaviour and
Conservation of the Charrs, Genus Salvelinus (Developments in Environmental Biology of
Ecomorphology of Fishes
(Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes)
Ecophysiology of Amphibians
Inhabiting Xeric Environments (Adaptations of Desert Organisms)
Edible Sea Urchins: Biology
and Ecology (Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science)
Eel Biology
Eels (Nature's Children)
Eels (Seward, Homer, Sea
Effects of Dredging on
Anadromous Pacific Coast Fishes: Workshop Proceedings, Seattle, September 8-9, 1988
Effects of Pollution on Fish:
Molecular Effects and Population Responses
El Nino and the Peruvian
Anchovy Fishery (Global Change)
Electric Fishes : History and
behavior (Fish & Fisheries Series)
Electrocommunication in
Teleost Fishes: Behavior and Experiments (Springer Series in Information Sciences)
Electronic Tagging and
Tracking in Marine Fisheries: Proceedings of the Symposium on Tagging and Tracking Marine
Fish With Electronic Devices, February ... (Kluwer Academic Publishers), V. 1.)
Electroreception (Wiley
Series in Neurobiology)
Ellie & Ollie Eel: A Tale
of a Fantastic Voyage (Suzanne Tate's Nature Series)
Ellie and Ollie Eel: A Tale
of a Fantastic Voyage (Suzanne Tates Nature Ser. No 16)
Elsevier's Dictionary of
Amphibians : In Latin, English, French, German and Italian 5,367 terms
Elsevier's Dictionary of
Elsevier's Dictionary of
Aquatic Biology
Elsevier's Dictionary of
Fisheries : In English (with definitions)
Elsevier's Dictionary of
Fishery, Processing, Fish and Shellfish Names of the World
Embryology of Fishes
Encyclopaedia of Fishes in
the World
Encyclopedia of Aquaculture
Encyclopedia of Australian
Encyclopedia of Canadian
Encyclopedia of Fishes
Encyclopedia of Tropical Fish
Encyclopedia of Tropical
Fishes: With Special Emphasis on Techniques of Breeding
Encyclopedia of Water Science
(New Dekker Encyclopedias)
Endangered and Threatened
Fishes in the Klamath River Basin: Causes of Decline and Strategies for Recovery
Enforcing the Common
Fisheries Policy
Environmental and Ecological
Environmental Biology of
European Cyprinids (Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes)
Environmental Biology of
Fishes (Fish & Fisheries Series)
Environmental Impacts of
Environmental Management for
Aquaculture (Aquaculture Series)
Environmental Physiology of
Fishes (Nato a S I Series Series a, Life Sciences)
Estuaries of South Africa
Estuary Restoration and
Maintenance: The National Estuary Program
European Inland Fisheries
Advisory Commission, Report of Sessions 19th - June 19th 1996 (Fao Fisheries Report , No
European inland water fish: A
multilingual catalogue = Poissons des eaux continentales d'Europe : catalogue multilingue
= Peces de aguas continentales ... Europas : mehrsprachiger Katalog
Europe's Southern Waters:
Management Issues and Practice
Evolution Illuminated: Salmon
and Their Relatives
Exotic Animal Formulary
Exotic Reptiles and
Amphibians of Florida
Exotic Tropical Fishes
Expedition Field Techniques:
Explorations in the Life of
Fishes (Harvard Books in Biology, No. 7)
Extraordinary Fish
Extremely Weird Fishes
(Extremely Weird Series)
Extremely Weird Frogs
(Extremely Weird Series)
Faces of Fishing: People,
Food and the Sea at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century
Fao Species Catalogue:
Ophidiiform Fishes of the World (Order Ophidiiformes) (Fao Fisheries Synopsis)
Fao Yearbook of Fishery
Statistics: 1995 Commodities (Vol 81)
FAO Yearbook/Annuaire/Anuario
2001: Fishery Statistics: Capture Production/Statistiques Des Peches:
Captures/Estadisticas De Pesca: Capturas (Yearbook ... Des Peches/Anuario Estadistico De
Farmed Fish Quality
Feed Management In Intensive
Feeding Ecology of Fish
Field and Stream Treasury of
Trout Fishing
Field Guide to Australian
Sharks & Rays
Field Guide to Coastal Fishes
of Mauritius: Hiroaki Terashima ... [Et Al.]
Field Guide to Freshwater
Fishes of Australia
Field Guide to Montana Fishes
Field guide to the fish of
Puget Sound and the Northwest coast (A Washington sea grant publication)
Field Guide to the Pacific
Salmon (Adopt-a-Stream Foundation)
Field Guide to the Samoan
Archipelago: Fish, Wildlife & Protected Areas
Field Identification Guide To
The Sharks And Rays Of The Red Sea And Gulf Of Aden: FAO Species Identification Guide for
Fishery Purposes (Species Identification Guide for Fisherypurposes)
Field Identification of
Coastal Juvenile Salmonids
Finding Out About Sharks
Finding Trout
Finfish and Shellfish
Bacteriology Manual: Techniques and Procedures
Fish (A Blandford Mini-guide)
Fish (Creatures That Walk,
Swim Or Fly)
Fish (Encyclopedia of the
Animal World)
Fish (Exploring the Animal
Fish (Eyewitness Books
Fish (Killer Series)
Fish (O'Hare, Ted, What Makes
An Animal?,)
Fish (Our Living World)
Fish (Picture Science)
Fish (Predators Discovery
"Fish (Science
Around">(Child's World (Firm)).)
Fish (What's the Difference)
Fish (World of Animals
(Danbury, Conn.), V. 31-40.)
Fish Adaptations
Fish and Dolphin Swimming
(Russian Academic Monographs, 2)
Fish and Fish Products
Fish and Fisheries in
Tropical Estuaries (Fish & Fisheries Series)
Fish and Fisheries of India
Fish and Fisheries of Nevada
Fish and Fishing in Ancient
Egypt (The Natural History of Egypt)
Fish and Land/Inland Water
Fish and Other Water Animals
Fish and Their Behavior
Fish Antifreeze Proteins
(Molecular Aspects of Fish and Marine Biology, V. 1)
Fish As Biomonitors of
Environmental Pollution
Fish Behavior in the Aquarium
and in the Wild
Fish Bioenergetics (Fish
& Fisheries Series)
Fish Biology in Japan: An
Anthology in Honour of Hiroya Kawanabe (Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes)
Fish Business Management:
Stragegy, Marketing, Development
Fish Calendar
Fish Catching Methods of the
Fish Chemoreception (Fish
& Fisheries Series)
Fish Chemosenses
Fish communities in tropical
freshwaters: Their distribution, ecology, and evolution
Fish Defenses
Fish Development And
Genetics: The Zebrafish And Medaka Models (Molecular Aspects of Fish and Marine Biology)
Fish Disease: Diagnosis and
Fish Diseases
Fish Diseases & Water
Fish Diseases and Disorders:
Non-Infectious Disorders (Fish Diseases and Disorders)
Fish Diseases and Disorders:
Protozoan and Metazoan Infections (Fish Diseases and Disorders)
Fish Diseases: A Complete
(Step-Up Nature Books)
Fish Ecology (Tertiary Level
Biology Series)
Fish Ecology in Arctic North
America: Proceedings of the Fish Ecology in Arctic North America Symposium, Held at
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, 19-21 May 199 ... American Anthropology Publication Series)
Fish Ecophysiology (Fish
& Fisheries Series)
Fish Ecotoxicology
(Experientia Supplementum)
Fish Endocrinology
Fish Energetics : New
Fish Facts
Fish Facts & Fancies
Fish for All: An Oral History
of Multiple Claims and Divided Sentiment on Lake Michigan
Fish Genetics And Aquaculture
Fish Guide Indo-Pacific:
Maldives to Philippines
Fish Habitat: Essential Fish
Habitat and Rehabilitation
Fish Histology
Fish Immunology (Developments
in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, 16)
Fish Larval Nutrition
Fish Medicine
Fish Michigan: 100 Great
Lakes Hotspots (Fish Michigan)
Fish Michigan: One Hundred
Southern Michigan Lakes (Fish Michigan)
Fish Migration
Fish Migration and Fish
Fish Morphology
Fish Neurobiology, Volume 1
Fish Neurobiology: Higher
Brain Areas and Functions
Fish Nutrition
Fish of Alberta
Fish of Britain & Europe
(Collins Pocket Guide)
Fish of the Atlantic
Fish Pathology
Fish Physiology
Fish Physiology: Molecular
Endocrinology of Fish (Fish Physiology)
Fish Physiology: Nervous
System, Circulation, and Respiration
Fish Physiology: Part B : The
Cardiovascular System (Fish Physiology)
Fish Physiology: Recent
Fish Physiology:
Reproduction, Part B : Behavior and Fertility Control
Fish Physiology: The
Physiology of Developing Fish, Part B : Viviparity and Psothatching Juveniles (Fish
Fish Physiology: The
Psysiology of Developing Fish, Part A : Eggs and Larvae (Fish Physiology)
Fish Population Dynamics
Fish Preservation and
Fish Reproduction: Strategies
and Tactics
Fish Respiration (Fish
Fish Skulls: A Study of the
Evolution of Natural Mechanisms (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society,
Volume 23, Part 2) (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, V. 23, Pt. 2)
Fish Stress and Health in
Aquaculture (Society for Experimental Biology Seminar Series)
Fish Swimming (Fish and
Fisheries, No 10)
Fish Tale, Or, the Little One
That Got Away
Fish Tales
Fish to Reptiles (Today's
Fish Trek: An Adventure in
Fish Vaccinology: Symposium
Organized & Sponsored by the International Association of Biological Standardization,
National Centre for Veterinary Contract ... (Developments in Biological Standardization)
Fish Viruses and Fish Viral
Fish Watching: An Outdoor
Guide to Freshwater Fishes
Fish, Law, and Colonialism:
The Legal Capture of Salmon in British Columbia
Fish: An Enthusiast's Guide
Fish: Ecotoxicology and
Fish: Five Language
Dictionary of Fish Crustaceans and Molluscs
Fisheries Biology: A Study in
Population Dynamics
Fisheries Dependent Regions
Fisheries Ecology
Fisheries ecology of
floodplain rivers
Fisheries in the economy of
the South Pacific
Fisheries Management 1:
Conservation and Management of Sharks Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries
Supplement (F a O Fisheries Reports, 625 Supplement)
Fisheries Management in
Fisheries Oceanography: An
Integrative Approach to Fisheries Ecology and Management (Fish and Aquatic Resources
Series, 4)
Fisheries of the United
States, 1997
Fisheries Processing
Fisherman's Favorites
Fishery Science: The Unique
Contributions of Early Life Stages
Fishes & Forestry
Fishes (A Golden Guide from
St. Martin's Press)
Fishes (Expedition Field
Fishes (Peterson Field Guide
Coloring Books)
Fishes (Usborne First Nature
Fishes and their young
Fishes Dangerous to Man
Fishes in Estuaries
Fishes in Kansas: Second
Edition, Revised
Fishes in North American
Fishes of Alabama
Fishes of Alabama and the
Mobile Basin
Fishes of Alaska
Fishes of Amazonenvironment:
Physiology & Biochemical Aspects (Medical Radiology)
Fishes of Antarctica : A
Biological Overview
Fishes of Arkansas
Fishes of Brazil: an Aid to
the Study of Spix and Agassiz's (1829-31)
Fishes of California and
Western Mexico (Pacific Marine Fishes)
Fishes of Chesapeake Bay
Fishes of Greece
Fishes of Hawaii
Fishes of Hawaii (Hawaii
Pocket Guides) (Hawaii Pocket Guides)
Fishes of Idaho (A Northwest
naturalist book)
Fishes of Oklahoma
Fishes of Pennsylvania and
the Northeastern United States
Fishes of Tasmania
Fishes of the Atlantic Coast
Fishes of the Atlantic Coast:
Canada to Brazil, Including the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, Bermuda, the Bahamas, and the
Caribbean : 408 Fishes in Full
Fishes of the Bahamas and
Adjacent Tropical Waters
Fishes of the Cambodian
Mekong (Fao Agricultural Services Bulletin,)
Fishes of the Caribbean
Reefs, the Bahamas and Bermuda
Fishes of the Central United
Fishes of the Continental
Waters of Belize
Fishes of the Great Barrier
Reef & Coral Sea
Fishes of the Great Basin: A
Natural History (Max C. Fleischmann Series in Great Basin Natural History)
Fishes of the Great Lakes
Fishes of the Gulf of Aqaba
Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico,
Texas, Louisiana, and adjacent waters (The W. L. Moody, Jr. natural history series)
Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico,
Volume 2 : Scorpaeniformes to Tetraodontiformes
Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico:
Myxiniformes to Gasterosteiformes (Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico)
Fishes of the Japanese
Fishes Of The Middle Savannah
River Basin: With Emphasis On The Savannah River Site
Fishes of the Minnesota
Fishes of the North Atlantic
Coloring Book
Fishes of the North-Eastern
Atlantic and the Mediterranean
Fishes of the North-Eastern
Atlantic and the Mediterranean (World Biodiversity Database CD-ROM Series)
Fishes of the North-Eastern
Atlantic and the Mediterranean/Poissons De L'Atlantique Du Nord-Est Et De LA Mediterranee
Fishes of the Okefenokee
Fishes of the Pacific Coast:
Alaska to Peru, Including the Gulf of California and the Galapagos Islands
Fishes of the Sea of Japan
and the Adjacent Areas of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Yellow Sea: Part 4 (Russian
Translations Series)
Fishes of the Sea: The North
Atlantic and Mediterranean
Fishes of the Tropical
Eastern Pacific
Fishes of the World
Fishes of Utah: A Natural
Fishes of Western Australia
(Pacific Marine Fishes)
Fishes of Wisconsin
Fishes that travel
Fishes, Crayfishes and Crabs
: Louis Renard's Natural History of the Rarest Curiosities of the Seas of the Indies
(Foundations of Natural History)
Fishes: A Field and
Laboratory Manual on Their Structure, Identification and Natural History
Fishes: An Introduction to
Fishes: And Other Sea
Creatures in Their Environment
Fishes: Their Journeys and
Migrations (Kodansha Globe)
Fishing Bc Rivers
Fishing for a Living
Fishing for Striped Bass
Fishing for Wild Images
Fishing Grounds: Defining a
New Era for American Fisheries Management
Fishing Hot Spots: Of the
Upper Fraser Valley
Fishing Operations (Fao
Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries, 1)
Fishing Places, Fishing
People: Traditions & Issues in Canadian Small-Scale Fisheries
Fishing the Great Lakes: An
Environmental History, 1783-1933
Fishing With Electricity
Fishing: A Guide to Fresh and
Salt-Water Fishing
Fishing: B.C. Commercial
Fishing History
Fishkeepers Guide to Fancy
Fishwatching: Your Complete
Guide to the Underwater World
Fishy Business: Salmon,
Biology, and the Social Construction of Nature (Animals, Culture, and Society)
Flatfishes: Biology and
Florida Fishes
Florida's Fabulous Fishes
(Florida's Fabulous Nature)
Fluorescence in Seter
Hybridazation, Fish
Fly Fishing - Thornton
Anthology: The Thornton Anthology
Food Habits of Teleostean
Reef Fishes in Okinawa Island, Southern Japan (Bulletin (Tokyo Daigaku. Sogo Kenkyu
Shiryokan), No. 25.)
Food Intake in Fish
Fossil Atlas, Fishes
Fossil Fish Found Alive:
Discovering the Coelacanth (Carolrhoda Photo Books)
Fossil Fishes of Great
Britain (The Geological Conservation Review Series)
Fresh and Salt Water Fishes
of the World
Freshwater and Estuarine
Radioecology (Studies in Environmental Science)
Freshwater Aquaculture: A
Handbook for Small Scale Fish Culture in North America
Freshwater Biomonitoring and
Benthic Macroinvertebrates
Freshwater Fish
Freshwater Fish (American
Nature Guides)
Freshwater Fish Culture in
China: Principles and Practice (Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science)
Freshwater Fish Distribution
Freshwater Fish of the
British Isles: A Guide for Anglers and Naturalists
Freshwater Fish of Western
Indonesian & Sulawesi
Freshwater Fishes of
Freshwater Fishes of
California (California Natural History Guides)
Freshwater Fishes of Canada
Freshwater Fishes of
Connecticut (Bulletin / State Geological and Natural History Survey of)
Freshwater Fishes of Eastern
Freshwater Fishes Of Manitoba
Freshwater Fishes of Mexico
Freshwater Fishes of New York
State: A Field Guide (York State Book)
Freshwater Fishes of
North-Eastern Australia
Freshwater Fishes of
Peninsular India
Freshwater Fishes of Texas
Freshwater Fishes of the
Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware
Freshwater Fishes of the
Northeastern United States: A Field Guide
Freshwater Fishes of the
Freshwater Fishes of Virginia
Freshwater Fishes: An
Introduction to Familiar North American Species
Freshwater Game Fish of North
Freshwater Prawn Culture: The
Farming of Macrobrachium Rosenbergii
Freshwater Stingrays:
Everything About Purchase, Care, Feeding, and Aquarium Design (Complete Pet Owner's
Frightening Fish (Seward,
Homer, Sea Monsters.)
Frog (Heinemann Read and
Frog (Life Story)
Frog (Savage, Stephen,
Observing Nature.)
Frog Dissection Manual (Johns
Hopkins Dissection Series)
Frogfishes of the World:
Systematics, Zoogeography, and Behavioral Ecology
Frogs & Toads
Frogs & Toads of the
World (Of the World Series)
Frogs (All About Wild
Frogs (Animal Kingdom Set II)
Frogs (Animals Animals)
Frogs (Buff, Sheila. Nature's
Frogs (First Step Nonfiction)
Frogs (Heinrichs, Ann.
Nature's Friends.)
Frogs (Natural Pop-Ups)
Frogs (Science Emergent
Frogs (The Leprechaun
Frogs and Other Amphibians
(Morgan, Sally. Life Cycles.)
Frogs And Other Amphibians
(World Book's Animals of the World)
Frogs and Toads (Lerner
Natural Science Book)
Frogs and Toads and Tadpoles,
Frogs as Host-parasite
Systems: An Introduction to Parasitology Through the Parasites of Rana Temporaria, R.
Esculenta and R. Pipiens
Frogs of Western Australia
Frogs Sing Songs
Frogs, Toads and Turtles
(Take-Along Guide)
From Egg to Lizard (Grow Up)
From Farmers to Fishers:
Developing Reservoir Aquaculture for People Displaced by Dams (World Bank Technical Paper)
From Limnology to Fisheries:
Lake Tanganyika and Other Large (DEVELOPMENTS IN HYDROBIOLOGY Volume 141)
From Tadpole to Frog
(Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science, Book & Cassette)
From Tadpole to Frog (Start
to Finish)
Frontiers of Shrimp Research
(Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science)
Fundamentals of Aquatic
Toxicology: Effects, Environmental Fate, and Risk Assessment
Furunculosis :
Multidisciplinary Fish Disease Research
Game Fish of the Rocky
Mountains: A Guide to Identification and Habitat
Gene Expression and
Manipulation in Aquatic Organisms (Society for Experimental Biology Seminar Series)
Gene Transfer in Aquatic
Organisms (Biotechnology Intelligence Unit)
Genera of Fishes and a
Classification of Fishes
Genetic Conservation of
Salmonid Fishes (Nato a S I Series Series a, Life Sciences)
Genetics and Fish Breeding
(Chapman & Hall Fish and Fisheries Series, 8)
Genetics and Mutagenesis of
Fish: Dedicated to Curt Kosswig on His 70th Birthday
Genetics in Aquaculture:
Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, Volume 12 (Proceedings of an
International Symposiumheld in University College, Galway, Ireland, 29 March to 2 April,
Genetics of Subpolar Fish and
Invertebrates (Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes)
Geoff Wilson's Complete Book
of Fishing Knots And Rigs
Geographic Information
Systems in Oceanography and Fisheries
Geographical Information
Systems - Applications to Marine Fisheries (Fao Fisheries Technical Papers , No 356)
Geostatistics for Estimating
Fish Abundance
Getting to Know Sharks
(Sadlier Big Books Phonics, Level B, Set 1)
Getting to Know Sharks
(Sadlier Little Books Phonics)
Gfcm - Report of the ()
Session of the Committee on Aquaculture 2nd Session Fisheries Reports (F a O Fisheries
Reports, 626)
Gfcm - Selected Pprs
Presented at the 3rd Technical Consultation on Stock Assess (Fao Fisheries Reports ,
Suppl. 533)
Giant Bluefin
Giant Sharks (Stone, Lynn M.
Read All About Sharks.)
Giants of the Sea
Gills, Part A: Anatomy, Gas
Transfer, and Acid-Base Regulation (Fish Physiology, Vol 10)
Gills: Part B, Ion and Water
Transfer (Fish Physiology)
Global Warming : Implications
for Freshwater and Marine Fish (Society for Experimental Biology Seminar Series)
Goldfish Breeding and
Goldfish Varieties and
Genetics: A Handbook for Breeders
Goldfish: A Complete
Grandes Tiburones Blancos
(Biblioteca De Descubrimiento De Tiburones)
Great Book of Fish
Great Lakes Fisheries Policy
and Management: A Binational Perspective (Canadian Series)
Great Shark Writings
Great White Shark
Great White Shark (Giants
Among Us.)
Great White Shark: Habitats,
Life Cycles, Food Chains, Threats (Natural World)
Great White Shark: Ruler of
the Sea, Incl. SM. and Lg. Plush Toy
Great White Sharks (Animal
Great White Sharks (Animal
Great White Sharks (Early
Bird Nature Books)
Great White Sharks (Shark
Discovery Library)
Great White Sharks : The
Biology of Carcharodon carcharias
Great White Sharks Up Close
(Zoom in on Animals!)
Great White Sharks: The
Ocean's Most Deadly Killers (Sharks (Capstone))
Green Guide Sharks & Rays
of Australia (Green Guides)
Grzimeks Animal Life
Encyclopedia: Fishes (Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia)
Grzimek's Animal Life
Encyclopedia: Fishes I (Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia)
Grzimek's Animal Life
Encyclopedia: Fishes II (Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia)
Grzimek's Student Animal Life
Resource: Amphibians (Grzimek's Student Animal Life Resource)
Guam and Micronesia Fish and
Critter ID (Faith Series)
Guardians of the Whales: The
Quest to Study Whales in the Wild
Guess Who Bites (Bookworms:
Guess Who)
Guide d'Identification du
Phytoplancton Marin de l'Estuaire et du Golfe du Saint-Laurent, Incluant Également
Certains Protozoaires
Guide For Identifying
Assessing And Reporting On Subsides In The Fisheries Sector (Fao Fisheries Technical
Guide to Corals and Fishes of
Florida, the Bahamas and the Caribbean
Guide To Freshwater Fish of
Britain And Europe
Guide to Living Amphibians
(Classification Guides)
Guide to Living Fishes
Guide to Marine Fishes
Guide to Northeast Pacific
Flatfishes: Families Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, and Pleuronectidae (Marine Advisory
Bulletin, No. 47) (Marine Advisory Bulletin
Guide to Northeast Pacific
Rockfishes (Evoked Potentials Series)
Guide to the Common Sea
Fishes of South Africa
Guide to the Identification
of Scales of the Inland Fishes of Northeastern North America (New York State Museum
Bulletin,) (New York State Museum Bulletin,)
Guide to the Parasites of
Fishes of Canada
Guide to the parasites of
fishes of Canada (Canadian special publication of fisheries and aquatic sciences)
Guide to the Shells of
Guppies Today
Guppies: Fancy Strains and
How to Produce Them
Hake : Fisheries, ecology and
markets (Fish & Fisheries Series)
Hammerhead Sharks (Animal
Kingdom Set II)
Hammerhead Sharks (Shark
Discovery Library)
Hammerheads and Other Sharks:
Book Author, Steven Otfinoski (World Book's Animals of the World)
Handbook of Darters
Handbook of Fish Diseases
Handbook of Freshwater
Fishery Biology (Handbook of Freshwater Fishery Biology)
Handbook of Freshwater
Fishery Biology, Volume 1
Handbook of Frogs and Toads
of the United States and Canada (Comstock Classic Handbooks)
Handbook of Methods in
Aquatic Microbial Ecology
Handbook of Salmon Farming
(Springer-Praxis Books. Food Sciences)
Handbook of the Marine Fauna
of North-West Europe
Handbook of Tropical Aquarium
Handbook of Trout and Salmon
Handbook of Trout and Salmon
Handbook on Ingredients for
Aquaculture Feeds
Handy Pocket Guide To
Tropical Coral Reef Fishes (Handy Pocket Guides)
Haplochromine Fishes of the
East African Lakes
Harpoon Venture (Wilder
Harvest of Salmon: Adventures
in Fishing the Bc Coast
Have You Ever Seen a Frog
Leap (Roche, Hannah. Read Around Lifecycles.)
Hawaii Reef Fish
Hawaiian Reef Fish
Hawaii's Catch of the Day
Hawaii's Fishes : A Guide for
Snorkelers, Divers, and Aquarists
Health Maintenance of
Cultured Fishes: Principal Microbial Diseases
Health Management in Asian
Aquaculture (F a O Fisheries Technical Paper, No 360)
Hearing and Sound
Communication in Fishes (Proceedings in Life Sciences)
Heavy Weather and Hard Luck:
Portsmouth Goes Whaling (Publication (Portsmouth Marine Society), No 24) (Publication
(Portsmouth Marine Society), No 24)
Heraldry Of Fish: Notices Of
The Principal Families Bearing Fish In Their Arms
Herbivorous Fish Culture and
Use for Weed Management
Herring: A History of the
Silver Darlings
Hierarchical Perspectives on
Marine Complexities
"Histology of the
Atlantic Cod, "Cadus Morhus": an Atlas: Reproductive Tract (Canadian Special
Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences)
Histology of the Atlantic
Cod, Gadus morhua : An Atlas. Part Four. Eleutheroembryo and Larva / Atlas d'histologie de
la morue franche, Gadus morhua. Quatričme partie. Éleuthéro-embryon et larve
Historical Portrait of the
Progress of Ichthyology : From its Origins to Our Own Time (Foundations of Natural
History of the Coelacanth
Hobbyist Guide to Catfish and
Hobbyist Guide to Marine Fish
& Invertebrates (Aquarium Digest International Collector's Edition)
Hobbyist Guide to Successful
Koi Keeping (Aquarium Digest International Collector's Edition)
Home Pool: The Fight to Save
the Atlantic Salmon
Homemade Flies
Homer Stevens: A Life in
Hormones and Reproduction in
Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles
Hormones And Their Receptors
In Fish Reproduction (Molecular Aspects of Fish & Marine Biology)
Hormones, Brain, and Behavior
(Biology of the Reptilia Series)
How Fish Swim (Nature's
How They Live: Sharks
How to Know the Freshwater
Hungry Sharks, (Let's
Read-And-Find-Out Science (Hardcover))
Hunting Sharks (Pull Ahead
Hymenomycetes in the
Perspective of 200 Years: Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Uppsala September 5-8, 1994
in Commemoration of Elias Fries (Symbolae Botanicae Upsaliensia , No 30:3)
Hyperiid Amphipods of the
World Ocean
I Am a Fish: The Life of a
Clown Fish (I Live in the Ocean)
I Am a Shark: The Life of a
Hammerhead Shark (I Live in the Ocean)
I Can Read About Sharks (I
Can Read About)
I In Situ/I Monitoring of
Aquatic Systems : Chemical Analysis and Speciation (Series on Analytical and Physical
Chemistry of Environmental Systems)
I Saw a Slimeball Wiggle (Our
Amazing World Series , Vol 1)
I Wonder If Dragons Are Real:
And Other Neat Facts About Reptiles and Amphibians (I Wonder Series)
I Wonder Why Fish Don't
Drown: And Other Neat Facts About Underwater Animals (I Wonder Series)
ICES Zooplankton Methodology
Ichthyology Handbook
Ichthyology, 2nd Edition
Ichthyology: Recent Research
Ichthyology: the Study of
Identifying Marine
If You Were a Fish (First
Facts: Everyday Character Education)
Illus Dict Fish/Shellfsh
Immunobiology and Pathology
(Recent Advances in Marine Biotechnology)
Immunology and Immunization
of Fish : Developmental and Comparative Immunology
Improving Fish Stock
In Praise of Wild Trout
In Quest of Big Fish
In Search of the Golden Frog
Incredible Amphibians
(Freestyle, Incredible Creatures)
Incredible Fish (Incredible
Incredible Sharks
Indian Cyprendae
Industrial Fisheries, Fish
Stocks and Seabirds
Infectious Diseases of Fish
Influences of Forest and
Rangeland Management on Salmonid Fishes and Their Habitats (American Fisheries Society
Special Publication, No. 19)
Inland Fisheries: Ecology and
Inland Fishes of California
Inland Fishes of
Massachusetts (Natural History of New England Series)
Inland Fishes of Washington
Inland Fishes of Washington
Innes's Exotic Aquarium
Fishes: A Work of General Reference
Inquisitive Angler
Insect Neurochemistry and
Neurophysiology, 1989 (Insect Neurochemistry and Neurophysiology)
Inshore Fisheries Management
(Reviews: Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries)
Instant Guide to Snakes and
Other Reptiles (Dial-An-Animal)
Integrated Fish Farming
Interaction Between Fish and
Birds: Implications for Management
International Development:
Proceedings of the World Fisheries Congress, Theme 4
International Fisheries
Management (International Environmental Law and Policy, Volume 57)
Interrelationships of Fishes
Intertidal Fishes : Life in
Two Worlds
Introduction to Fish
Introduction to Marine
The 12 Basic Skills of Fly
The 1985 Pacific Salmon
Treaty: Sharing Conservation Burdens And Benefits
The Allure of Discus
The Amazing Book of Fish
Records and Other Ocean Creatures: The Largest, the Smallest, the Fastest, and Many More
(Amazing Animal Records)
The American Darters
The Amphibians of Great Smoky
Mountains National Park
The Anemonefishes: Their
Classification and Biology
The Angler's Guide to
Freshwater Fish of North America (Country Sports)
The Angler's Guide to
Freshwater Fish: Habits and Characteristics of Over 50 British Fish
The Aquarium (I Like to
The Aquarium Encyclopedia
The Aquarium/el Acuario: To
Visit = Me Gusta Visitar (I Like to Visit/ Me Gusta Visitar)
The Art of Goldfish Keeping
The Art of Koi Keeping: A
Complete Guide
The Atlantic Salmon
The Atlas of Discus of the
The Basking Shark in
Scotland: Natural History, Fishery and Conservation
The Behavior And Ecology Of
Pacific Salmon And Trout
The Behavior and Sensory
Biology of Elasmobranch Fishes An Anthology in memory of Donald Richard Nelson
(Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes)
The Behavior of Teleost
The Big Fish (Kaeden Books)
The Biochemical Ecology of
Marine Fishes (Advances in Marine Biology)
The biology and evolution of
lungfishes (Supplement 1 to the Journal of morphology)
The Biology of Calanoid
Copepods (Advances in Marine Biology, Vol 33)
The Biology of Fish Growth
The Biology of Hypogean
Fishes (Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes)
The Biology of Lampreys
The Biology of Latimeria
chalumnae and Evolution of Coelacanths (Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes)
The Biology of Particles in
Aquatic Systems, Second Edition
The Book of Sharks
The Book of the Toad : A
Natural and Magical History of Toad-Human Relations
The Broadbill Swordfishery of
the Northwest Atlantic, An Economic and Natural History
The Brown Trout in Ireland: A
Fragile History
The Butterflyfishes: Success
on the Coral Reef (Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes)
The California Abalone
Industry: A Pictorial History
The Captive Marine Aquarium:
A Colorful Photographic Resource for the Aquarist, Special Edition
The Cardiovascular System
(Fish Physiology)
The Carp : Biology and
Culture (Springer Praxis Books / Aquaculture and Fisheries)
The Catfish Book
The Catfish Connection
(Biology and Resource Management Series)
The Cell and Molecular
Biology of Fish Oogenesis (Monographs in Developmental Biology)
The Changing International
Law of High Seas Fisheries (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law)
The Cholinergic Neuron &
its Target : ELECTROMOTOR SYSTEMS Of Torpedo
The Cholinergic Neuron and
Its Target
The Cichlid Aquarium
The Cichlid Fishes: Nature's
Grand Experiment in Evolution
The Cichlids of Surinam:
Teleostei, Labroidei
The Columbia River Salmon and
Steelhead Trout, Their Fight for Survival
The Compleat Angler: Or the
Contemplative Man's Recreation
The Complete Encyclopedia of
Tropical Fish (Complete Encyclopedia)
The Complete Frog: A Guide
for the Very Young Naturalist
The Complete Idiot's Guide to
The Completely Illustrated
Guide to Koi for Your Pond
The Concise Illustrated Book
of Sharks
The corals of Hong Kong
The Cult of the Koi
The Dangerous Life of the Sea
The Devil's Teeth : A True
Story of Obsession and Survival Among America's Great White Sharks
The Diver's Guide to Red Sea
Reef Fishes
The Diversity of Fishes
The Early Development of
Xenopus Laevis: An Atlas of the Histology
The Ecology of Fishes on
Coral Reefs
The Economics of Marine
Resources and Conservation Policy : The Pacific Halibut Case Study with Commentary
The Eel
The Encyclopedia of Sharks
The Eurasian Huchen, Hucho
Hucho : Largest Salmon of the World (Perspectives in Vertebrate Science)
The Evolutionary Biology of
the Threespine Stickleback (Oxford Science Publications)
The Exotic Amphibians and
Reptiles of Florida
The Exploitation of evolving
resources: Proceedings of an international conference held at Jülich, Germany, September
3-5, 1991 (Lecture notes in biomathematics)
The First Year in the Life of
Estuarine Fishes in the Middle Atlantic Bight
The fish around Malta:
Central Mediterranean
The Fish Immune System :
Organism, Pathogen, and Environment (Fish Physiology)
The Fishes and the Forest:
Explorations in Amazonian Natural History
The Fishes of Illinois
The Fishes of New Mexico
The Fishes of Ohio
The Fishes of Tennessee
The Fishes of the Galapagos
The fishes: Our aquatic
ancestors : an inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Cape Coast on Wednesday,
3rd June 1992
The Founding Fish
The Freshwater Fishes of
Europe Vol. 9: Threatened Fishes of Europe (Freshwater Fishes of Europe)
The Freshwater Fishes of
Europe: General Introduction to Fishes
The Freshwater Fishes of
North Carolina
The Freshwater Fishes of
Western Borneo (Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia, Memoirs of the California Academy of Sci Srs
No. 14)
The Frog
The Frog (Animal Life
The Frog Alphabet Book
The Frog and the Toad:
Masters of Land and Water (Wildlife Survival Library)
The Frog Book: North American
Toads and Frogs
The Golden Book of Sharks and
The Great Gulf: Fishermen,
Scientists, and the Struggle to Revive the World's Greatest Fishery
The Great Lobster War
The Great White Shark
The Great White Shark
(Underwater World of Sharks)
The Great White Shark
(Wildlife, Habits & Habitat)
The Guide to Owning White's
Tree Frog
The Gulf of Guinea Large
Marine Ecosystem (Large Marine Ecosystems)
The Gulf of Mexico Large
Marine Ecosystem: Assessment, Sustainability, and Management
The Hammerhead Shark (The
Underwater World of Sharks)
The Handbook of Fish Biology
and Fisheries Volume 1
The Importance of
Aquatic-Terrestrial Ecotones for Freshwater Fish (Developments in Hydrobiology)
The Inland Fishes of
The Inland Fishes of New York
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