Books about Mollusks - Seashells
Advancing Research on Living
and Fossil Cephalopods: Development and Evolution, Form, Construction, and Function,
Taphonomy, Palaeoecology... by Federico Oloriz Saez
Algorithmic Beauty of Sea
Shells by Hans
by Neale Monks
Ammonites and the Other
Cephalopods of the Pierre Seaway: Identification Guide by Neil L. Larson
Ammonoid Paleobiology
by Neil H. Landman
The Art of Shelling: A
Complete Guide to Finding Shells and Other Beach Collectibles at Shelling Locations from
Florida to Maine by
Chuck Robinson
Aspects of Littorinid
Biology: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Littorinid Biology...
by Ruth M. O-Riodan
Australian Marine Shells (2
vol. set with slipcase) by
Barry Wilson
Behavior and Its Neural
Control in Gastropod Molluscs by Ronald Chase
The Biology of Terrestrial
Molluscs by G. M.
Biology of the Hard Clam
by John N. Kraeuter
Bivalve Filter Feeders in
Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystem Processes by Richard F. Dame
Bivalve Molluscs: Biology,
Ecology and Culture by
Elizabeth Gosling
Bivalves: An Eon of
Evolution: Paleobiological Studies Honoring Norman D. Newell by James W. Haggart
Book of Shells: A Shell Game
by Cecile Mactaggart
The Brains and Lives of
Cephalopods by Marion
Carolina Seashells
by Nancy Rhyne
Catalog and Bibliography of
the Nonindigenous Nonmarine Snails and Slugs of the Hawaiian Islands by Robert H. Cowie
Catalog of Recent Type
Specimens in the Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History. 5.
Mollusca, Part 2 (Class Gastropoda... by Christopher B. Boyko
Catalog of the Nonmarine
Snails and Slugs of the Samaon Islands by Rovert H. Cowie
Cephalopod Behaviour
by Roger T. Hanlon
Cephalopod Neurobiology:
Neuroscience Studies in Squid, Octopus, and Cuttlefish by N. J. Abbott
Cephalopods - A World Guide
by Mark Norman
Cephalopods, Present and
Past: 2nd International Cephalopod Symposium by Jost Weidmann
Chitons of the World
by Frans J. A. Slieker
Compendium of Seashells
by R. Tucker Abbott
Complete Collector's Guide
to Shells and Shelling by
Sandra Romashko
The Conch Book: All You Ever
Wanted to Know About the Queen Conch, from Gestation to Gastronomy by Dee Carstarphen
Conch Shells and Cowries
by Rajiv Khandelwal
CRC Handbook of Culture of
Abalone and Other Marine Gastropods by Kirk Hahn
Ecology and Evolution of the
Freshwater Mussels Unionoida by G. Bauer
The Ecology of Freshwater
Molluscs by Robert T.
Ecology of Marine Bivalves:
An Ecosystem Approach by
Richard F. Dame
Ecoviews: Snakes, Snails,
and Environmental Tales by
Whit Gibbons
The Encyclopedia of Shells
by Kenneth R. Wye
Endoglucanase &
Mannanase from Blue Mussel, Mytilus Edulis. Purification, Characterization, Gene &
Three Dimensional Structure by Bingze Xu
Estuarine and Marine Bivalve
Mollusk Culture by
Winston Menzel
Etudes Critiques Les
Mollusques Fossiles: Memoire Les Trigonies Et Monographic Des Myes (Critical Studies on
Fossil Mollusks) by
Louis Agassiz
Evergreen Pacific Shellfish
Guide by J. D. Wade
Evolution and Systemics of
Cenozoic American Turitellidae (Gastropoda) by W. D. Allmon
The Evolutionary Biology of
the Bivalvia by E. M.
Familiar Seashells of North
America by Harold
Alfred Rehder
Fauna and Flora of the Bay
of Naples: Cephalopoda: Embryology by Adolf Naef
A Field Guide to Marine
Molluscs of Galapagos by
Clereland P. Hickman
A Field Guide to Shells of
the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts and the West Indies by R. Tucker Abbott
Field Guide to Shells of the
Florida Coast by Jean
Field Guide to the Slug:
Explore the Secret World of Slugs and Their Kin - In Forest, Fields, and Gardens from
Southeast Alaska to California by David G. Gordon
Fish: Five Language
Dictionary of Fish, Crustaceans and Molluscs by Willibald Krane
Florida's Fabulous
Seashells: And Other Seashore Life by Winston Williams
Flukes and Snails Revisited
by D. Rollinson
Freshwater and Estuarine
Molluscs: An Interactive, Illustrated [CD-ROM] by W. F. Ponder
The Freshwater Mollusca of
Northern Africa: Distribution, Biogeography, and Palaeoecology by Dirk Van Damme
The Freshwater Mussels of
Tennessee by Paul
Woodburn Parmalee
Freshwater Mussels of Texas
by Robert G. Howells
Freshwater Snails of Africa
and Their Medical Importance by David S. Brown
The Freshwater Snails
(Mollusca: Gastropoda) of New York State by Eileen H. Jokinen
Genera of the Bivalvia: A
Systematic and Bibliographic Catalogue by Harold Ernest Vokes
Giant Clams: A Comprehensive
Guide to the Identification and Care of Tridacnid Clams by Daniel Knop
Great Outdoors Book of
Shells by Lula Siekman
A Guide to Common Freshwater
Invertebrates of North America by J. Reese Voshell Jr.
Guide to Florida Seashells
by Robert Anderson
A Guide to Squid, Cuttlefish
and Octopuses of Australasia by Mark Norman
A Guide to Worldwide Cowries
by Felix Lorenz
Handbook of Shells: Sea
Shells of the Gulf and Atlantic Coast by Lula Siekman
Health Management,
Development & Histology of Seed Oysters by Ralph A. Elston
Heaven on the Half Shell:
The Story of the Northwest's Love Affair With the Oyster by David G. Gordon
An Instant Guide to
Seashells by Pamela
Intertidal Bivalves: A Guide
to the Common Marine Bivalves of Alaska by Nora Rakestraw Foster
The Joy of Oysters
by Lori McKean
Land Snails of the British
Isles by A. A.
Larvae of Marine Bivalves
and Echinoderms by
David L. Pawson
The Liguus Tree Snails of
South Florida by Henry
T. Close
MacRobenthos of the North
Sea. Vol. 1: Keys to Mollusca & Brachiopoda [CD-ROM] by M.J. De Kluijver
Magic of Seashells
by Fredlee
The Marine Fauna of the
British Isles and North-West Europe: Mollusks to Chordates by P. J. Hayward
Marine Molluscan Remains
from Franchthi Cave by
Judith C. Shackleton
Marine Mollusks in Japan
by Takashi Okutani
Marine Shells of the West
Coast of North America by
Ida Shepard Oldroyd
Microscopic Anatomy of
Invertebrates: Mollusca I by
Frederick W. Harrison
Microscopic Anatomy of
Invertebrates: Mollusca II (Vol 6 A&B) (2 Vol Set) by Frederick W. Harrison
Mollusca: Environmental
Biochemistry and Physiology by Karl M. Wilbur
Mollusca Gastropoda et
Bivalvia Aquae Dulcis (Catalogus Faunae Bulgaricae) by Angel M. Angelov
Mollusca: Physiology/Part 2
(Mollusca, Volume 5) by
Karl Wilbur
The Mollusca: Reproduction
by Karl M. Wilbur
Mollusca: The Southern
Synthesis: An Essential Reference by CSIRO Publishing
Molluscan Introductions and
Transfers: Risks Considerations and Implications by James T. Carlton
Molluscan Radiation - Lesser
Known Branches (Advances in Marine Biology) by A. J. Southward
Molluscan Shellfish
Depuration by W.S.
Molluscan Systematics and
Biostratigraphy: Lower Tertiary LA Meseta Formation, Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula
by Jeffrey D. Stilwell
Molluscs as Crop Pests
by G. M. Barker
Monograph of Living Chitons
by Piet Kaas
Monograph of Living Chitons
(Mollusca: Polyplacophora) by
Richard A. Van Belle
Monograph of Living Chitons
(Mollusca - Polyplacophora): Order Neoloricata - Lepidopleurina by P. Kaas
Monograph of Living Chitons
(Mollusca - Polyplacophora): Suborder Ischnochitonina - Ischnochitonidae -
Ischnochitoninae - Concluded - Callistoplacinae, Mopaliidae by P. Kaas
Monograph of Living Chitons
(Mollusca - Polyplacophora): Suborder Ischnochitonina - Ischnochitonidae - Schizoplacinae,
Callochitoninae and... by
P. Kaas
Monograph of Living Chitons
(Mollusca - Polyplacophora). Volume 3: Ischnochitonidae - Chaetopleurinae and
Ischnochitoninae (Pars) by
P. Kaas
National Audubon Society
Field Guide to North American Seashells by Harald A. Rehder
Natural Enemies of
Terrestrial Molluscs by
G. Barker
Natural History and
Evolution of Cryptopecten (A Cenozoic-Recent Pectinid Genus) by Itaru Hayami
A Natural History of Shells
by Geerat J. Vermeij
Nature Guide to the Carolina
Coast: Common Birds, Crabs, Shells, Fish, and Other Entities of the Coastal Environment
by Peter K. Meyer
Nearshore Marine
Paleoclimatic Regions, Increasing Zoogeograpic Provinciality, Molluscan Extinctions, and
Paleoshorelines, California: Late Oligocene (27 Ma) to Late Pliocene (2.5 Ma) by Clarence A. Hall Jr.
Neuronal Control of
Locomotion: From Mollusc to Man by G. N. Orlovskii
New Late Cretaceous and
Early Tertiary Perissityidae (Gastropoda from the Pacific Slope of North America)
by Louella R. Saul
Nudibranchs and Sea Snails:
Indo-Pacific Field Guide by
Helmut Debelius
Nudibranchs of Southern
Africa: A Guide to Opisthobranch Molluscs of Southern Africa by Terrence Gosliner
Octopus and Squid (Monterey
Bay Aquarium Natural History Series) by James C. Hunt
The Octopus and the
Orangutan: More True Tales of Animal Intrigue, Intelligence, and Ingenuity
by Eugene Linden
The Oyster: A Popular
Summary of a Scientific Study by William K. Brooks
Pacific Coast Nudibranchs: A
Guide to the Opisthobranchs Alaska to Baja California by David W. Behrens
Paleobase Macrofossils:
Ammonoids, Bivalves, Coleoids, Gastropods, and Early Matazoans by Norman MacLeod
Pearls: A Natural History
by Neil H. Landman
Pelagic Molluscs of the
World [CD-ROM] by S.
Van Der Spoel
Pelagic Snails: The Biology
of Holoplanktonic Gastropod Mollusks by Carol M. Lalli
Praktische Malakologie:
Beitrage zur Vergleichend-Anatomischen Bearbeitung der Mollusken: Caudofoveata bis
Gastropoda-*Streptoneura by
M. Mizzaro Wimmer
Progress in Littorinid and
Muricid Biology: Proceedings by K. Johannesson
"The "pulchra
complex": Revision of Cymbiola (Cymbiolacca) from East Australian Coast"
by Patrice Bail
Ranellidae & Personidae
of the World by Thomas
Recent Cassidae
by Kurt Kreipl
Recent Mollusks of the Gulf
of Mexico: With Pleistocene and Pilogene Species from the Gulf States by C.J. Maury
Reproductive Strategy of
Marine Bivalves and Echinoderms by V. L. Kasianov
A Review of Morphological
Characters of Hydrobioid Snails by Robert Hershler
Sea Shells of Tropical West
America: Marine Mollusks from Baja California to Peru by Angeline Myra Keen
The Search for the Giant
Squid by Richard Ellis
Seashells (Nature Journals)
by Galison Books
Seashells: A Portrait of the
Animal World by Andrew
Seashells of Brazil
by Eliezer Rios
Seashells of Eastern Arabia
by S. Peter Dance
Seashells of North America:
A Guide to Field Identification by R. Tucker Abbott
Seashells of North Carolina
by Hugh J. Porter
Seashells of the Northeast
Coast from Cape Hatters to Newfoundland by Gordon Weeks
Seashells of the World: A
Guide to the Better-Known Secies by R. Tucker Abbott
Seashells Poster
by Dover Pubns.
Shell Bearing Land Snails of
Ohio by Celeste Taft
The Shell Book: The Complete
Guide to Collecting and Identifying With a Special Section on Starfish and Other Sea
Creatures by Sandra D.
Shell Chic: The Ultimate
Guide to Decorating Your Home With Seashells by Marlene Hurley Marshall
Shells (A Pocket Companion)
by Judith Milidge
Shells (Cambridge Manuals in
Archaeology) by Cheryl
Shells and Shellfish of the
Pacific Northwest: A Field Guide by Rick M. Harbo
Shells from Cape Cod to Cape
May by Morris K.
Shells: Guide to the Jewels
of the Sea by Giorgio
Shells of Hawaii
by E. Alison Kay
Shells of the Philippines
by F. Springsteen
Simon and Schuster's Guide
to Shells by Harold
Six Language Dictionary of
Fish/ Crustaceans & Molluscs & Products by Nicolaus Antonacopoulos
Snail Hosts of
Schistosomiasis and Other Snail-Transmitted Diseases in Tropical America: A Manual
by Emile A Malek
Squid As Experimental
Animals by Daniel L.
Studies in Tropical American
Mollusks by Frederick
M. Bayer
Submarine Cave Bivalvia from
the Ryukyu Islands: Systematics and Evolutionary Significance by Itaru Hayami
Systematic Survey of the
Paleozoic and Mesozoic Gastropoda and Paleozoic Bivalvia from Japan by Itaru Hayami
Systematics of Fissurella in
the Peruvian and Magellanic Faunal Provinces (Gastropoda: Peoaobranchia)
by James H McLean 0412368102
Tesori Sommersi: Rare Sea
Shells from the E. & A. Colombo Collection by Luigi Bozzetti
Treatise on Invertebrate
Paleontology: Mollusca 1 by
Raymond C. Moore
Treatise on Invertebrate
Paleontology: Mollusca 3 by
Raymond C. Moore
Treatise on Invertebrate
Paleontology: Mollusca 6 by
Henryk B. Stenzel
Tropical Landshells of the
World by Brian
Tropical Seashells (Periplus
Nature Guides) by
Pauline Fiene-Severns
21st Century Complete Guide
to Endangered Species Recovery Plans: Birds, Mammals, Reptiles, Fishes, Amphibians, Clams,
Snails,... [CD-ROM] by
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
21st Century Guide to
Endangered Species: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Information - Birds, Mammals, Reptiles,
Fishes, Amphibians, Clams, Snails,... [CD-ROM] by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Upper Cretaceous Trochacean
Gastropods from Puerto Rico and Jamaica by N. F. Sohl
Volutes by Guide Poppe
World Seashells of Rarity
and Beauty by Akihiko
The World's Most Beautiful
Seashells by Leonard
C. Hill
Zebra Mussels: Biology,
Impacts, and Control by
Thomas F. Nalepa
The Amazing Octopus (The
Living Oceans) by
Bobbie Kalman
Are You A Snail? (Backyard
Books) [hardcover] by
Judy Allen
Are You A Snail? (Backyard
Books) [paperback] by
Judy Allen
Clams, Oysters and Scallops
by S. Swartz
Down in the Sea: The Octopus
by L. Patricia Kite
Gentle Giant Octopus
by Karen Wallace
Giant Octopuses (Pull Ahead)
by Christine Zuchora-Walske
Giant Squid: Mystery of the
Deep (All Aboard Reading) by
Jennifer Dussling
How Shellmakers Build Their
Amazing Homes (Animal Architects) by W. Wright Robinson
The Incredible Hunt for the
Giant Squid (Incredible Deep-Sea Adventures) by Bradford Matsen
Learning About Shells
by Sy Barlowe
The Life Cycle of a Snail
(Life Cycles Library) by
Andrew Hipp
Molluscs: Snails, Clams, and
Their Relatives (Invertebrates) by Beth Blaxland
Mussels: Hard-Shelled
Mollusks (Secrets of the Animal World) by Andreu Llamas
National Audubon Society
First Field Guide: Shells by
Brian Cassie
The Nature and Science of
Shells (Exploring the Science of Nature) by Jane Burton
The Octopus (Creatures of
the Sea) by Kris
Octopus and Squid (Sea
Monsters) by Homer
An Octopus Is Amazing
by Patricia Lauber
Octopus Under the Sea
by Connie Roop
by Darlene R. Stille
Octopuses (Carolrhoda Nature
Watch Books) by Ron
Octopuses (Early Bird Nature
Books) by Norbert Wu
Octopuses (Naturebooks
Underwater Life) by
Jenny Markert
Octopuses (Ocean Life)
by Lola M. Schaefer
Octopuses (Sea Creatures)
by Darlene R. Stille
Octopuses (Welcome to the
World of Animals) by
Diane Swanson
Octopuses, Squids, and
Cuttlefish (Animals in Order) [hardcover] by Trudi Strain Trueit
Octopuses, Squids, and
Cuttlefish (Animals in Order) [paperback] by Trudi Strain Trueit
Octopuses, Squids, and Their
Relatives (Invertebrates) by
Beth Blaxland
Old-Time Seashells Stickers
by Maggie Kate
Peterson First Guide to
Shells of North America by
Jackie Leatherbury Douglass
Sea Creatures With Many Arms
(Creatures All Around Us) by
D. M. Souza
Sea Monsters:
Eels/Frightening Fish/Manatees/Octopus and Squid/Rays/ and Sea Snakes by Homer Seward
Sea Snails
by L. M. Stone
Sea Snails (Science Under
the Sea) by Lynn M.
by Creative Paperbacks
Seashells (Let's
Investigate) by Adele
Seashells (True Books: Earth
Science) by Ann O.
Seashells by the Seashore
(Sharing Nature With Children Book) (2002 printing) [hardcover] by Marianne Collins Berkes
Seashells by the Seashore
(Sharing Nature With Children Book) (2002 printing) [paperback] by Marianne Collins Berkes
Seashells by the Seashore
(Sharing Nature With Children Book) (2003 printing) by Marianne Collins Berkes
Seashells, Crabs and Sea
Stars by Christiane
The Shell Book
by Barbara Hirsch Lember
Shellfish Aren't Fish
(Rookie Read-About Science) by Allan Fowler
Shells (Usborne Spotters
Guides) by Graham D.
Shells and Insects (Alaska
Sea Week Curriculum Series) by Claudia Kelsey
Shells and Insects (Alaska
Sea Week Curriculum Series: Grade 2) by Claudia Kelsey
Shells of the World Coloring
Book by Lucia deLeiris
Slugs (Early Bird Nature)
by Anthony D. Fredericks
Slugs (Ooey Gooey Animals)
by Lola M. Schaefer
Slugs and Snails
by Theresa Greenaway
Slugs and Snails (Creepy
Crawlers Discovery Library) by Lynn M. Stone
Slugs and Snails (Looking at
Minibeasts) by Sally
Slugs and Snails
(Minibeasts) by Claire
A Slug's Life (Nature
Upclose) by John
Smithsonian Handbooks:
Shells: The Photographic Recognition Guide to Seashells of the World by S. Peter Dance
Snail (Bug Books)
by Karen Hartley
Snail (Watch It Grow)
by Barrie Watts
Snailology (Backyard
Buddies) by Michael
Elsohn Ross
Snails (Animals)
by Kevin J. Holmes
Snails (Naturebooks Creepy
Crawlers) by Peter
Snails (Wild Wild World)
by Liza Jacobs
Snails and Slugs (Nature
Close-Up) by Elaine
A Snail's Pace (Rookie
Read-About Science) by
Allan Fowler
Sorting Out Worms and Other
Invertebrates: Everything You Want to Know About Insects, Corals, Mollusks, Sponges, and
More! by Samuel G.
Tentacles: Tales of the
Giant Squid (Step into Reading) by Shirley Raye Redmond
Welcome to the World of
Octopus by Diane
What Are Cephalopods
[hardcover] by Bobbie
What Are Cephalopods
[paperback] by Bobbie
What Comes in a Shell?
(Science Emergent Readers) by
Susan Canizares
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